Why Research Should Be the Foundation of Your New Business


Having a successful business or entrepreneurship is a dream many people share. There is a lot of attraction to being your own boss and charting your own course. Some people dream of working at home instead of facing commuter traffic every morning. However, there can be a good deal of risk associated with starting your own business. Many start-up businesses aren’t successful enough to become a sole source of income. Some businesses fail completely.

While there is nothing that can absolutely guarantee the success of your business, there are several elements that are common to successful startups. Following these tips can give you and your business a great chance of succeeding. One of the most foundational parts of starting and maintaining a successful business is research. You should be well-versed in your industry, the market, your competitors, and any other topic that is related to your business.

Know Your Industry

To be competitive in your industry you must be well-educated about it. It could be useful to know about your industry’s history and current state. Knowledge of projected future advances or trends could be useful as well. You may want to be familiar with notable persons in your industry, and be able to competently speak on most subjects within your field. Parts of attracting and keeping clients is proving to them that you are trustworthy and an expert. As such, building and maintaining a working knowledge of your industry is important to your company’s success.

What Sets Your Business Apart from Competitors?

If clients are going to trust you with their business, you need to prove that you are a better choice than your competitors. To make sure you are standing out in your market, it’s vital to know the important details about your competitors. Are there any newcomers to the market that could make waves? Can you present clients with the method or service different from anything else available? Knowledge of your competitors can help you better tailor your services and marketing to encourage potential clients to choose your company over others.

How Have Other Business Owners Succeeded?

While it’s important that your company is different from competitors, it’s also wise to emulate successful strategies. Perhaps your industry was founded by someone who invented a product, or a new method of doing something. Maybe another business’ success was built upon a unique marketing strategy. By researching how other people have succeeded in your industry, you can learn which methods work and which ones don’t. You can also get a better grasp on your potential customers and learn what attributes drew them to choose successfully companies in your field.

Watch the Market

No matter what industry your business is a part of, there is always some volatility to the market. It could be a new company entering the scene, or an established company changing hands. Inventions and technological advances can affect the market as well. It’s important to keep track of what is going on so you can respond in an appropriate way. Keeping a close watch on the market may even allow you to take some precautions or proactive steps rather than always feeling like you are reacting.

Track the Trends

Evolution dictates that people will continue to move on to the “next thing.” This may appear more or less obvious depending on your industry but it is consistent across every sector of the economy. Following magazines, blogs and other media outlets that report on the current or upcoming trends can help you stay informed. When you can talk with your customers in an educated way about the future of your industry, it instills trust and helps your clients view you as a leader in your industry.

Use Multiple Sources

It’s wise to use several different sources for your research. You can follow magazines or newspapers, as well as journals or other publications specific to your industry. It’s also a good idea to follow blogs or websites of successful business people. Don Gayhardt’s writings on entrepreneuring and starting a business are an expert, informative resource in this area. While nearly everything is available online in some form, there is still value to using printed books and journals for your research, as well as historical resources.


One of the most important pieces of advice, when you are starting a new business, is to persevere. Be consistent in your work and marketing, and be diligent in your research. It’s vital to be knowledgeable about your industry, competitors and what sets you apart in the eyes of your clients.
While there is nothing that can absolutely guarantee the profitability of your startup, there are several ways to encourage success. Research is extremely important to starting and maintaining a business that is successful in attracting and maintaining clientele. Knowledge of your industry helps you stay at the forefront of new trends and advances in the field, and allows you to make educated decisions about how to run and market your company. With dedicated research and perseverance, your new business stands a fighting chance of becoming a complete success.

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