Reasons Why You Need a Lawyer as an LLC

Meeting with Attorney

When it comes to forming your own business or company, one of the first things that you might consider is whether you should hire a lawyer to help you out or not. Well, we’re sure that you’ve already tried looking this up on Google and that many sites have probably said that you don’t really need a lawyer to form your own business, especially if it’s an LLC.

The truth is that yes, you can form your own LLC without the help of a lawyer. However, when you also want to consider how things will go in the long run, that’s when you may think that you should actually hire a lawyer who knows how to help you with many legalities.

The truth is that there are many possible circumstances in forming and operating your LLC that the help of an attorney or a lawyer may be necessary.

First of all, if it’s your first time running such a business, you probably have a lot of questions that your business partners probably won’t be able to answer. This is why getting someone who knows the ins and outs of forming an LLC is simply handy.

There are many legal requirements to be fulfilled if you’re planning on building your own LLC. You’ll need a legally valid name for your business. You’ll also need to draft and file legal documents like Articles of Incorporation that meet the state standards.

You’ll also have to file for fees and meet publication requirements. Aside from drafting legal documents like the Articles of Incorporation, you will need to draft a customized and appropriate LLC Agreement.

Whatever it is you need to draft, there’s always Google to the rescue, but trust us when we say that the best thing to do is to seek the help of an attorney. What you don’t want to happen is to make mistakes on these legal documents that could get you in trouble.

An attorney can also help you make better choices for your business structure. This is especially true if you have foreign investors who are also seeking ownership stake in your business. Depending on what your business is, you may be required to draft contracts.

Sure, this can be done by anyone. However, DIY contracts are the ones that have a lot of loopholes. You may think that you’ve already made a comprehensive agreement with your partners and customers, but eventually, you may find the contract in favor of others instead.

If you have an attorney who could help you draft the contract, you can be sure that it will be how you want it to be. This can ensure that you, your business, your assets, and other important aspects of your business will be protected and not overlooked.

Lawyers are well-versed in these things and usually, you can never go wrong with the contracts that they draft. With this, you’ll know that the amount you’re paying for an attorney’s services is just really worth it.

When it comes to choosing the right lawyer, you can always check with different law firms. It’s advisable that you look around first before you hire someone. What you need to make sure is that you’re getting someone who is on the same page as you are.

It’s always better to meet with local attorneys instead of having to look at firms that are far from where you’re situated. There will be times that emergency meetings will be called and you’d want your attorney available as much as possible.

Besides that, getting someone local means that they know better when it comes to how things work in your state or in your city. This will just really make things easier for both of you. Less of a communication barrier is bound to happen because of this.

You can try to at least schedule a meeting with two or three different attorneys. Discuss what your expectations are. Ask the questions you have in mind and compare the answers that they give you. Make sure that the payment arrangement is clear. Know that some lawyers would charge per hour, while some would per consultation or request.

What’s important here is that you choose a lawyer who you feel comfortable with. This means that you know that this person will protect you and your business. Find someone who will act as a partner rather than someone whom you just hired to draft contracts when you need them to.

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