Learn How to Start a Home Business at Online Entrepreneur Academy

Cheerful woman working in her office

Are you thinking twice about starting a home business? If you’re like most people, the reason for this hesitation is the lack of knowledge about the core principles of running an online business. It can feel overwhelming to learn everything by yourself, especially if you have a day job that takes up most of your time. Or knowing what the right opportunity for you is to start to make sure you’re successful! But now you have the opportunity to learn from industry experts and gain confidence as you take on this new and exciting chapter in your life.

At Online Entrepreneur Academy, you can enroll in a one-year training program that guides you from start to success! Alex Dee, the founder of Online Entrepreneur Academy, has obliged in answering some of our questions.

Online Entrepreneur Academy is in its infancy stages, yet it has already attracted countless members. What’s the reason behind your early success?

Alex Dee: It’s a welcome surprise, to be honest. During the prelaunch, I knew that many people were eager to join our program, but I kept my expectations reasonable. I guess the success of Online Entrepreneur Academy can be attributed to our vibrant community of real-life experts and professionals, each of whom offer unique ideas and perspectives.

We’ve also had a great track record of producing thousands of people who have made the shift to making income online through our personal brands. So, we knew we had to share this with others to expand the reach of those who can get access to these successful curriculums! This enables us to provide useful and timeless bits of information that ultimately guide our members towards their dream of building a successful online business.

We like to think of ourselves as business partners whom people can always turn to for professional support.

Several training courses are already out there. What makes your program any different?

Alex Dee: That’s one of the first questions I asked myself when laying the groundwork for Online Entrepreneur Academy. I’ve always wanted to create a sort of one-stop-shop for all things online entepreneurship. Some of the courses already on the web are fantastic, but they often focus on a single aspect such as product creation or marketing.

My goal is for our members to find everything they need in one place, hence the decision to team up with industry experts who can cover the ins and outs of online entrepreneurship. And we also provide everyone before they start with an enrollment counselor who build them a customized curriculum that’s a perfect fit for them based on their personalities, strengths, and what they’re wanting to achieve. Then, we teach it through a live virtual classroom setting, so members can be able to plug in from home and do this around their schedules. So, everyone who has a desire to make a change in their lives can now be able to plug in and create it!

Not all training programs boast of such a star-studded team of industry experts. How did you manage to build an impressive group?

Alex Dee: This may come as a surprise, but I didn’t do much in the way of forcing our team members to join. Most of them wanted to be a part of this life-transforming journey.

As veterans in the field of online entrepreneurship, they feel that it only makes sense to be of service to others. The internet has given them plenty of opportunities, not only in terms of making money but growing into better individuals. They want other people to go through what they’ve gone through and slowly make their way to the top of their respective niches.

The biggest part is our vision of leading members to financial certainty! Financial certainty is if you were to lose everything, you have this skillset that allows you to be able to get back up and provide for you and your family because you can create money on demand! When I shared this vision, they all wanted to be a part of it!

It’s amazing to think that simply sharing your vision with others can make them say yes. I’ve already done my part, and now our diverse team of industry professionals is ready to share their knowledge and experience with our students. We hope to build our community around the value of sharing while letting our members learn about themselves, deal with unexpected roadblocks, and find ways to cope. All this prepares them for the things that may happen in their entrepreneurial careers—both the good and the bad.

Who would you say are the best candidates for your training course?

Alex Dee: Our members are incredibly diverse. They come from all walks of life and span different industries. We have stay-at-home moms, existing business owners, students, and even retirees who still need a steady income stream.

I want everyone to feel that Online Entrepreneur Academy is created for people who want transformation in their lives. They don’t have to be stuck in their 9 to 5. They don’t need to always doubt their capabilities as a future entrepreneur. They can make things work by putting in the time and effort into realizing their potential while benefiting from the over-the-shoulder approach provided by our team.

We thank Alex Dee for sharing his passion and commitment to our readers. Anyone who’s interested in starting a home business should definitely consider enrolling at Online Entrepreneur Academy. New members are invited to join now during pre-launch at special pricing before the official launch in April 2019!

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