How to Start an Auto Repair Shop

auto repair mechanic
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

According to data from the Department for Transport, there were 39.2 million licensed vehicles in Great Britain at the end of September 2021 — an increase of 1% compared to 12 months previously. With more cars, buses, vans, lorries, and motorbikes on our roads, it makes sense that there are opportunities for associated businesses. Auto repair shops certainly fall into that category.

If you plan to set up as a self-employed mechanic, then it is important to do some careful planning. Government figures tell us there were 390,000 business births in 2020 but there were also 316,000 business deaths. This shows the volatile nature of the landscape.

So, how can you avoid becoming another statistic and ensure you make a success of your garage? Here are a few handy tips to help you get started.

Be Clear on Your Offering

The first major decision is to define your service. Will you solely work on cars, or do you have the expertise to fix other, more specialist, types of vehicles? Will you offer Ministry of Transports (MOTs) and servicing, or will you be strictly a repairs shop? Be clear in your own mind as to what you are delivering; otherwise, it creates uncertainty among potential customers.

Choose Your Location

There is a balance to strike here. A central location likely proves more expensive, but you see a return on that investment in the way of attracting more business. On the other hand, you make a saving by choosing a remote location, but you are less likely to pick up any passing trade.

Invest in the Necessary Equipment

Without the right kit, you cannot provide a comprehensive service. The likes of jacks, air compressors, hoists, lathes and oil caddies are essential — not to mention the vast array of hand and power tools. These should be neatly stored away in a toolbox to maintain a tidy, orderly garage where you find everything you need with ease.

Recruit Staff

If you need extra pairs of hands, getting the right people in is absolutely vital. It might be that you hire experienced mechanics who are reliable when it comes to delegating tasks. Alternatively, you may decide to take on an apprentice to whom you show the ropes and maybe even hand the business over to in the future.

Promote Your Auto Repair Business

Promote through word of mouth, a website, social media, newspaper or magazine advertisements, or a combination of any of the above. The key is to get your business name out there. Make sure everyone in the local area knows your garage is the go-to for any auto repair.

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