How to Improve Your Startup’s Website

Website on laptop
Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

Putting together a website for a startup is one of the most time-consuming, yet necessary operational functions of your business. Having a web presence is essential for establishing your company, connecting with leads, and establishing your brand.

Simply having a website, however, isn’t sufficient. Your site must be compelling and engaging to spark a connection with potential clients.

Here are some simple tips for improving your startup’s website during the early days of your enterprise.

Take a One-Pager Approach

Rather than having a multi-page website with various navigation channels, consider having your homepage be the primary focus of your website. Rather than having site visitors click through to different pages, buttons and links will scroll them down to the relevant section of the homepage.

The one-pager approach helps reduce customer friction while boosting SEO by increasing the time spent on a page and simplifying the site map. is a prime example of this approach and effectively uses the one-pager to showcase the offering, the team, skills, and a project portfolio for digital marketing and lead generation.

Keep Mobile-First Responsiveness in Mind

More than 50% of internet users are on mobile devices. This number has been steadily crawling upward over the past decade and is expected to continue. That means there’s a good chance people will be accessing your website from a mobile device. To make a good impression, having your website optimized for mobile responsiveness is a must.

Due to this shift in user behavior, Google also prioritizes mobile responsiveness when ranking pages. That means if your page isn’t optimized for mobile, you’ll rank lower on a search engine for relevant keywords. All your competition needs is a mobile-friendly page to outrank you in such a scenario.

Incorporate Strong Branding Elements

Your brand is the foundation for connecting with customers. It’s how you’ll be remembered and recognized as they go about their day. Your brand includes everything from your logo and color scheme to your tone when crafting copy.

When someone arrives at your website, they should feel that they’ve arrived in the right place before reading anything. That means the colors and theme of your site should match your overall brand. Work with a designer to ensure you have a strong brand presence on your website, conducting an audit on your existing site, as needed.

Simplify Navigation to Reduce Friction

While creating a one-pager is the best way to simplify navigation on your website, there are other considerations to keep in mind. One of the biggest mistakes startups make when creating a landing page, one-pager, or sales page is failing to add sufficient navigation tools.

Consider a long-form sales page that incorporates six sections outlining the values and benefits of purchasing your product offering. Some potential clients will be ready to buy after reading the first two sections. Others will continue to scroll until they’ve read through everything. As purchasing behavior varies, it’s integral to have a call-to-action (CTA) button with a link at the end of every section. If your eager prospect is ready to purchase by section two, requiring them to scroll until the end of the page is a significant source of friction. Doing this runs the risk of your potential customer losing interest and that initial spark to purchase the product fading.

Your goal is to make it as easy as possible for a lead to book the call, add to cart, or join your email list; provide the tools to make it so.

Include Social Proof and Testimonials

Finally, never underestimate the value of social proof and testimonials. Include client logos and testimonials with photos as a part of your sales and home pages. If you have yet to acquire paying customers, create a beta-testing program that allows clients in your target market to test your offering in return for feedback. This approach to pre-selling and building social proof led Slack to its unprecedented levels of success.

Creating a website doesn’t have to be a confusing, time-consuming process. Start with clear goals and use these best practices to create a compelling website that helps establish your brand.

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