How to Hire a Programmer for a Start-Up


For years now people have been using technology on a daily basis. A modern customer chooses the solution that is easiest to use. This means that any business has to provide or at least try to provide its product or services in the most convenient way possible. If you own a business, you need to have an app or a website your clients would use to buy your products or use your services.

Moreover, it’s not enough to have any kind of website; you need it to work fast and be simple to use. It goes without saying that building such an app or a website is expensive and very time-consuming. Let’s find out how to make this process much more simple and less expensive.

How to Hire Programmers

Instead of looking for developers locally, consider a much more flexible and cost-effective option — hire a programmer with the help of an outstaffing company like Talmatic. Forget about the long and complicated screening process; forget about hiring experienced recruiters with a technical background just so you can onboard the right specialist. Your service provider will provide you with a list of developers that perfectly fit your project requirements.

Just imagine, you don’t need extra office space, software, hardware. You also won’t face any accounting issues and you’ll save on operational expenses. You get a programmer or a bunch of different specialists that work together as a team from different locations. What about communication and management issues? There are no issues. You won’t need to micromanage the project as well. Meanwhile, you will have a lot of control and you can always make any adjustments you want. It’s also really safe, because you have a contract-based agreement.

What Are the Alternatives?

Of course, that’s not the only way to hire programmers or other tech specialists. You can always go the classic way and hire local devs. Keep in mind that the salary rates can be really different depending on the location. Thus, if your business is located in countries like the UK, the USA, Switzerland (countries with the highest rates), this solution would not really make much sense unless you have an ‘unlimited budget’.

Using freelance platforms is a very popular solution, especially if you have a really simple and small project. If you are looking for a sole specialist, let’s say, a WP developer to build you one single theme, this might be a good option for you. Still, hiring a freelancer is more about cutting the cost but losing in quality. Highly qualified freelancers with extensive experience have higher rates and are in great demand. It’s not easy to find the right freelancer for the right price.

Final Words

Technological start-ups often need to onboard lots of tech talent and must do so quickly. The best solution is one that offers more flexibility, opens access to a bigger talent pool and doesn’t require additional expenses. Out of all the possible choices, only outstaffing has all of these advantages. Thus, this is the best way to go!

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