6 Tips for Starting a Music Licensing Business from Home

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There are many artists out there who want to license their music, but can’t. Artists may be creative with their own music, but they don’t necessarily know how to license their music themselves. Which is why someone like you is needed. If you are interested in getting involved in music licensing from home, then this article will be very helpful for you. Licensing music is very easy; all it takes is research and consistency.

1. Get Licensed

The first thing that you have to tend to is your business license and your business name. Pick out a professional business name for your company; it should be something that is catchy and easy to remember. Then get a business license in your town, which is not that difficult to get. It would be better for you to check what type of regulations you have to get through since they differ from one country to another.

2. Join the PRO

It is very important for you to join the Performance Rights Organization, also known as PRO, as a publisher. According to Victor Bailey’s post, this organization will make sure that artists get paid in royalties for their music and contribution to the field. There are three PRO’s you can join in the US, either BMI, SESAC, or ASCAP; know that you are going to be presenting your client’s music to them.

3. Have a Website

Creating a website is not difficult; however, if you can’t do it yourself, then you should hire a web designer to help you create a professional website that reflects your professionalism and the many things that you can offer to your clients as their publisher. Having your own website will help your business to blossom and your clients will be able to share it around so that you might get other clients as well.

4. License Agreements

It is important for you and your clients that you write down a generic license agreement that can fit any of your clients; it is also important to understand that there are many types of licenses, for instance, offline license is different from the one that is online, which is why you should decide which one you want to go through with your clients.

5. Metadata

Metadata is one of the most important things that you have to pay attention to; it contains all kinds of information that you need to successfully license your client’s music. There are more obvious bits of information like the artist name and track name, and other information like your contact details, release date and the genre of the track.

6. Music Libraries

Music libraries are important things for your clients. This will take a lot of patience on your end because usually there is a lot of waiting around to do. But basically, you have to research music libraries then try to get your client’s music into it, so that they can start making money. Know that your client’s success is your success as well, so make sure that they rise to the top so that more people know about you.

Licensing Music

Licensing music is an easy career to have and develop. All it takes is just a few steps to follow and a few registrations to go through and that is all! Licensing music is a great career to have because not only are you able to have a career that pays the bills, but you can also help a lot of artists out there to get their music licensed. Know that by starting this business you will be helping artists to get compensation for their work, which will make you a successful publisher.

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