Why You Need to Hire a Professional Editor

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Depositphotos 169291848 m 2015 e1510065078291

So you finally finished writing your ebook. Now what? If you think you should go straight to publishing your manuscript, you might want to think again. Publishing a non-fiction ebook without having a professional editor look at it could be detrimental to your book. If you try to be your own editor, things will inevitably slip by you. Chances are, when you think of editing, you think of skimming your work and looking for typos. But professional editors like the writers at Pro-Papers do so much more. Editors are professionals for a reason. Their jobs are to nit-pick books for the purpose of making them better. Anyone looking to publish their own non-fiction ebook needs an editor and here’s why:

    • Editors have objective opinions. Editors aren’t as invested in your book as you are. You have a lot more on the line than they do. Editors are able to sit down and objectively look at your work. They can read your ebook and tell you what needs improving. They won’t obsessively work over every single sentence like you would be inclined to do. They will only worry about problem areas.
    • Editors read a lot of different manuscripts. It’s their job. They have done this time and time again. With the variety of ebooks they have edited, they have come to learn where common problem spots are. They will be quick to spot plot holes. The more editors edit, the better they become. They know what’s what in the writing world and their advice is not to be taken lightly.
    • Editors give you timely help. Writing an ebook takes a long time and publishing can as well. You may be wary in sending your work off to a publisher because you are afraid of not getting it back in good time. The good news is that editors are trained to be timely. It won’t take forever to get your edited ebook back. Editors will get your book back to you fast enough for you to turn around and start working with those edits.
    • You are too close to your work. When you write a book, you have the whole story in mind. You are concerned with every little aspect of it from beginning to end. When you get so invested in something, you leave room open for errors. You know exactly what your story is about and what it is supposed to say. In your writing, a sentence may make sense to you, but not to readers. An editor will help clarify any spots like this in your writing.
    • Editors will improve your work. There is no question that your work will get better when you send it to an editor. That’s what their job is. Just editing your book yourself is not enough to help your work reach its full potential. You will be more liable to miss problem spots and your readers will not get the full effect of your words. With the help of an editor, your non-fiction ebook will surely be your best work.
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