Home Business Crisis Survival Guide

Being an entrepreneur requires a particular kind of strength and a willingness to bounce back each and every time you stumble. We know this truth because we live it, day in and day out. We’re resilient and we’re known for our stamina and “stick-to-it-ness.” We make our businesses work every day because failure is not an option.

Even the most dedicated among us, though, can be blindsided by a business crisis—loss or destruction of a major product shipment, the loss of a key client, or even a natural disaster. Are you prepared to come back more powerfully than ever if disaster strikes?

Don’t let negativity prevail. I created a step-by-step guide based on the beauty and simplicity of my work as an architect to help people in any crisis to land on their feet with confidence on the other side.

The Architectural Method

The Architectural Method empowers business owners to come back after a crisis and create a more meaningful, successful entrepreneurship experience. Walk through your business like you would walk through building a physical structure, from examining the site to envisioning your ideal outcome to laying the initial groundwork to seeing your vision manifested. Here’s how it works.

Step 1 – Site Study: Ask yourself exploratory questions such as:

  • What parts of your business can you observe that are hindering its growth?
  • What old business relationships, outmoded ways of doing things or anything else from the past is keeping your business grounded and unable to launch into future success?
  • What parts of your business do you wish you could change?

Step 2 – Explore Historical Models: The past has helped to shape the current state of your company. Reflect on which accomplishments, experiences, connections, products and more have had the biggest impact—positive or negative—and which you want to bring with you into your renewed business.

Step 3 – Create a Wish List: Define your goals. Let go of both the hopes and expectations of others, whether in your business life or personal life, and clarify what you really want most for your company.

Step 4 – Absorb: Allow time for your ideas to take shape without judging or trying to define them.

Step 5 – Envision a Vision: Let your vision take form as much as possible before implementing it. Pay attention to what image of your business evolves within you.

Step 6 – Begin to Draw: This is where you begin to create what you have envisioned for your business. Let it flow into exciting, even unforeseen directions. Don’t let yourself get stuck believing that this initial creative process has to fit into a neat little box. Let yourself be pleasantly surprised at what comes to you that aligns well with your business goals.

Step 7 – Allow the Vision to Lead: Decisions become easy when they are weighed against the vision you have created. Does this choice empower your vision or lessen its strength?

Step 8 – Definition Is in the Details: See your vision from all angles and consider how it will affect all parts of your life. How is your business more successful, meaningful and effective? How does that impact you, your employees and even your family?

A crisis in business can simply be viewed as an unwelcome opportunity—yet an opportunity nonetheless—to rethink, reimagine and rebuild. Trust the process and work through the details and you’ll be surprised how much you enjoy the transformation.

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