Great Retirement Job – Start a Home Inventory Business


You’ve worked hard over the years and now that you’re approaching retirement age its time to start thinking about a plan.  If you’re like most people in the world you’re a bit unsure about this new phase of your life called “retirement”.  Will you have enough money?  Will you miss your job?  Will you be bored out of your mind?  Will you miss the interactions with people?

You’ve likely heard people in your same age group discuss these very questions with some concern.  The fact is that most people today do not completely stop working but simply leave their normal work to do something different that they find both rewarding and fun.

There is a growing trend among retirees to start a new small business.  Older entrepreneurs actually have an advantage over younger ones because they have confidence and experience they can bring to the table.  Many retirees quickly get bored after the first year and end up working part-time or explore turning a hobby into a small business.

Starting a small business is an excellent idea for a retired individual or couple.  If you do a Google search on ‘older entrepreneurs’ you’ll be amazed how much information you’ll find about this growing trend.

There are many possibilities to explore when considering starting a business.  Many people simply take a hobby such as woodworking or crafting and turn it into a small business by creating products to sell at fairs and online.  Others focus more on service offerings such as pet sitting, child care, house sitting or consulting.

One small business opportunity that clearly stands out is a home inventory service business.  Many retirees are finding that starting a home inventory business is the perfect type of business to begin in retirement because they can work a flexible number of hours, earn great pay and provide a beneficial service to their local community.

A home inventory business offers a valuable & in-demand service that can be easily started. Recommended by insurance companies and financial planners, a home inventory offers the homeowner protection and peace of mind by providing a detailed record of their personal property to maximize & simplify insurance claims.

Recent natural disasters and media attention has raised homeowner awareness, making it a great time to start a home inventory business.  Most homeowners are now aware how important it is to have a home inventory but simply don’t have the time or patience to perform one on their own.  Starting a home inventory business has become very popular among retirees because it is a great niche business opportunity.

Providing home inventory documentation services is fun and easy.  You basically go into people’s homes, take pictures, record the details of their assets using a software package then create a professional reporting package back at your home office.  On average you’ll earn between $300 and $550 for each completed inventory depending on the size of the home.

It’s actually quite easy and low risk to start this type of business because the upfront costs are low.  All you need is some basic equipment that you probably already own such as a computer, color printer and digital camera.  In addition, you should budget an additional $500 to $800 to cover expenses for a professional software package, brochure/business card printing and hosting for a simple website.

You may also be asking the question: How do I market this type of business?  The best way to market an asset documentation service business is to form relationships with other home related businesses such as insurance agents, financial planners, attorneys and real estate agents just to name a few.  These businesses can provide a steady stream of referrals because they realize the high value asset documentation and already have the trust of their clients.  Just take the time upfront to practice producing a professional product so you can present to it to your potential partners and make a great first impression.  Ask if you can leave a stack of brochures in their office and consider providing a monetary incentive for each completed inventory referred to keep your partners motivated.

If you’re thinking about working during your retirement years, consider starting your own home inventory service business.  You’ll earn great pay, work flexible hours and have fun while providing a valuable service to your local community.

Visit the Home Journal Business website at to learn about their complete business startup kit and professional software which makes the process of starting a new inventory business easy.

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