Car Insurance Claims: Tips After a Car Accident

Car accident
Image by Valter Cirillo from Pixabay

Car accidents are terrible events that could happen to a person; they are dreadful and the trauma caused by one could last for years. Not having insurance to help you out in these tough situations can be very painful. Having insurance can ease the pain a bit. Take a look below at some of the tips you need to know to help you with insurance if you’ve been in a car accident.

Have your bases covered

The consequences of car accidents can have a negative effect emotionally, physically and financially on a person. Any car accident law firm would insist that you get treated fairly by the insurance company to compensate you for the damage that was done. Most of the time, handling car repairs and medical bills for someone can be a time-consuming and very expensive task; that’s why filing an insurance claim is the only way to help you during these tough times.

Gather all the information you can

Although it may be difficult in hit and run cases, most of the time it’s crucial for you to have all the important details needed for the insurance company to help you get a better claim. It’s good if the driver who crashes into your car reports the accident to his or her car insurance company. But it’s better if you contact their insurer as well once you have the information from the other driver involved in the accident. Sometimes people who cause an accident are reluctant to report it themselves. Make sure you know the driver’s full name and ID, the driver’s insurance company name and policy, and take pictures of the crash scene and both cars. It can be very helpful if there were witnesses too; grab any statements through video if possible or get their contact information to help when the investigations start. Everything you can get to help increase your chances for a better claim is good for you.

Inform everyone vital to the case

Call the police first so they can arrive at the scene. The law enforcement personnel will determine who’s at fault when they investigate the crash site. Call the other driver’s insurance company and let them know everything. It’s possible that they might have a different opinion than the police’s assessment. As a show of good faith, be sure to call your own insurer even if it wasn’t your fault; it can aid you greatly if the other driver’s insurer denies responsibility for the accident and you’re forced to make a collision claim. In tough situations, if you have a lawyer then contact them as well. But if you don’t, then consider the option to hire one. Don’t hide anything, tell the truth and let everyone know. These key details will help your insurance claims more than you know.

Insurance claims from your own company

You can make a claim with your insurance company for payment of damages and injuries, even if it wasn’t your fault. If you have the right coverage and collision insurance, then file a claim with your own insurer so they will pay for the repair costs. If you decide to take this path, you’re going to have to pay your collision deductible towards the repairs. But it is possible that you could get that money back if your insurer is successful in settling with the other driver’s insurance company.

Some people might think it’s useless to spend money on insurance, but it’s actually really helpful. You need to have insurance because you never know what could happen and you never know how your financial status could change. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

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