Behavior Change Marketers of The Year: 2017

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Depositphotos 37564195 m 2015 e1515263593162

The year 2017 was the year of behavior change marketing. Here is our list of marketers who changed our behaviors for good, for bad, and maybe forever. If there are any brands you think deserve to be added to the list, tweet us here and let us know!


For changing the way we read, shop and watch…


From almost never going to a mattress store to never going to a mattress store – all in one brilliant brand experience. 


For merging innovative technology with behavioral design to reinvent the way we learn languages.

Per unire tecnologia innovativa e design comportamentale per reinventare il modo in cui apprendiamo le lingue.

Para fusionar tecnología innovadora con diseño de comportamiento para reinventar la forma en que aprendemos idiomas.

Kakushintekina gijutsu to kōdō dezain o yūgō shite, gengo o manabu hōhō o kaikaku suru tame.

Google Translate

For making it easy for people who don’t even have time for Duolingo to do what we just did above.


For making travelers feel more at home, regardless of where they are.


For taking the genome revolution to the people, allowing us to access our own DNA, find our DNA relatives, and empower us to lead healthier lives.

Nobel Prize Committee

For bringing the beneficent insights of behavioral economics into the international spotlight.


For closing the gender-investment gap by giving women the tools, place and voice to invest for themselves.


For making the most personal of clothing decisions – what socks to buy – the most pro-social, by giving a pair of socks to a homeless person for every pair we buy.

Cards Against Humanity

For showing that a silly, politically incorrect game can take a serious political stance, and win big.


For building a platform that makes humans helping humans more possible than ever.


For showing that your guru can be an app. And, for introducing the life-changing effects of meditation to millions, ten minutes at a time.


First, for changing the way tens of millions of us get from here to there. Then, for exploiting their monopoly in greedy and insensitive ways and driving millions of us to Lyft and other options.


From the Russian election hack to the #MeToo movement, Facebook has had an outsized effect on all aspects of our society, changing our behavior in good, bad… and still unclear ways.


For allegedly over-delivering hydrocodone, and perpetuating the opioid epidemic, which currently ends 144 American lives each day.

HelloFresh / SunBasket

For turning the average joe into an iron chef, all without going to the grocery store.


For simplifying and streamlining the dating process with one swipe of a finger.


For forever ending the headache of splitting a bill and making the act of going to an ATM a behavior of the past.

Resy / OpenTable

For removing human interaction from the reservation-making process.


For changing the way we manage our email inbox.


For using complex algorithms to change the way we discover music.


For changing the way television shows are produced and consumed.


For making managing your wealth as easy as scrolling through your phone.


For making online shopping more personal.


For showing us that there is no such thing as spare change.


For making listening the new reading.


For turning our heroes into our teachers.

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Mark DiMassimo
Mark DiMassimo is the founder of DiMassimo Goldstein, named one of 2018’s Top 12 Financial Marketing Agencies and recognized as one of the 20 Most Valuable Partners in Financial Marketing by the Gramercy Institute. Mark is committed to applying the principles of behavior change marketing to help grow organizations and brands by helping people make better decisions and form more empowering habits. A digital pioneer with direct marketing roots, Mark began his career as an account executive in the direct marketing group at BBDO, where he moved to the creative department as a copywriter, later becoming an award winning integrated creative director. He founded DiMassimo Goldstein in 1996 with the goal of becoming the premier integrated creative brand advertising agency for marketers who sell directly to their customers. Previously, Mark had quickly risen through the ranks at some of the industry’s most respected agencies, including kirshenbaum bond + partners, J. Walter Thompson, Y&R’s Chapman Direct Advertising, Deutsch and BBDO, and became known for enormous successes in launching and re-launching brands through integrated campaigns. Mark is the Chair of the Creative Development Board of the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, an organization he has served for twenty years. Mark has been on the faculty of the School of Visual Arts and NYU’s Integrated Marketing Program, his marketing theories have been taught at Stanford University, and he’s written an e-book, Digital@Speed. For more information, visit