UK Consumer Food Spendings Are Trending Towards a More Balanced Diet

In efforts to become healthier in both mind and body and live longer, many people in the United Kingdom have been making changes to their diet, according to data unearthed by ReportLinker. “The Brits” are aiming to take a more balanced approach to how they eat by getting more into a plants-based diet and turning away, somewhat, from eating too much red meat.

According to ReportLinker, UK sales of vegetables and bags of mixed vegetables have been slowly but steadily rising. Data shows that this trend towards eating more greens is forecasted to reach 765K kilos consumed in 2021 compared to 640.4K kilos in 2016. At the same time, data shows that household consumption of beef and veal significantly dropped and represents less than twice the consumption in 1975.

While beef and veal consumption levels per household remain modest in the UK these days, household expenditures on Soya and other novel protein products have shot up significantly since the mind-1990s compared to what they were in previous times and are forecasted to remain right around current levels through 2020. These data indicate that people in the UK are seeking more plant-based protein sources to accompany their increased intake of vegetables.

Getting away from heavy red meat consumption in today’s world is important for health in a number of ways. To begin, too much modern red meat is sourced from corn-fed cattle. These cattle are sick due to their unnatural corn-based diets and to the fact that they are often kept under unhealthy conditions on factory farms. Ultimately, this sickness and the artificial chemicals from the animals get passed along to human consumers. Another problem with heavy red meat consumption is that it puts the body and brain out of balance with respect to fatty acids. While the omega-6 fatty acids abundant in red meat are necessary and desirable, they ought to be in balanced proportion to omega-3 fatty acids found abundantly in fish and seafood (although a plant-based diet cannot help much with meeting this need).

Trending toward a more plant-based diet helps the body remain more alkaline, which wards off the threat of cancer. Eating more vegetables also helps one to eat less health-harming refined carbs and sugars…and this too, has been a trend in the UK. Data shows that after its early 1970s peak, sugar consumption per household steadily declined through 2015 and remains dramatically lowered compared to where it was 40 years ago.

When all is said and done, producers and sellers of vegetables and plant-based protein products ought to be in for some great years to come!

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