Pros and Cons of Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring has consistently been among the most popular kind of floor for centuries. Despite imitation options like laminate floors and newcomers like carpets, hardwood has proven its irreplaceability. Any homeowner who is considering a new flooring material should seriously consider hardwood flooring for their home.

Beautiful room with hardwood floor

Advantages of Hardwood Flooring

There are a number of advantages that come with the installation of hardwood flooring in your home.

Below are just a few of the many pros:

– Increase Home Value: This one is a no-brainer for anyone who is thinking about selling their home at some point down the line. Many homeowners only think that their home is worth investing in if they are planning on staying there long term so that they can properly enjoy it. While it is encouraged to turn your permanent home into exactly the space you want, short-term homes are also worth an investment in renovations. Upgrades will increase the value of your home when you sell while also making it more attractive to potential buyers. Hardwood floors, in particular, are a good idea when looking to sell your house because they are known for being good flooring to have while also being widely desired. They are not a niche floor choice.

– Resistant and Durable: Hardwood flooring is incredibly durable. Needless to say that this characteristic is a good one for any flooring material to possess. They can resist bumps, scratches, and stains better than many other kinds of flooring like carpet or linoleum. When hardwood flooring is properly cared for it can last for decades and decades. You will only have to pay for one installation in your life if it is done properly. The fact that it is so long-lasting also means that the initial investment will be returned over the years since you don’t have to pay for more flooring to be installed.

– Easy to Maintain: This is a big selling point for many homeowners who are thinking about replacing their flooring. Other flooring can be very high maintenance. Carpet, in particular, is a good example because it requires regular vacuuming and steaming, but still is constantly at risk of stains and discoloration. Hardwood flooring, on the other hand, requires minimal maintenance. It, of course, requires sweeping and spot cleaning but neither of these are time-consuming tasks. The wood’s finish and durability means that it is easily maintained. An ideal characteristic for homeowners who lead busy lives and want to focus on other areas of their life.

– A Wide Range of Styles: One of the many great advantages of hardwood flooring is that there are so many different styles and options available on the market. It does not matter what the space is like, there will be a hardwood flooring option which is perfect for any space. There are different species, grains, hues, and even finishes which can alter the look of the floor. Go to your local flooring store for more information and advice, but a good way to start is to figure out the environment you are trying to create. For instance, lighter woods are good for casual environments while darker woods are typically used in formal settings.

– Appearance: Finally, hardwood flooring is a timeless look. It has been used for centuries and has never gone out of style. There is no fear of a cringe-worthy trend which will be the source of embarrassment a couple years down the line when it comes to hardwood flooring.

Cons of Hardwood Flooring

There are two sides to every story, and despite the fact that hardwood flooring offers many great advantages there is also the other side to take into consideration.

– Water Damage: Hardwood flooring can take a lot of wear-and-tear but it has one critical downfall, and that downfall is water damage. If there is a lot of humidity, moisture, or some water pooling the wood is at risk of becoming warped. Luckily this can be avoided by restricting the use of this kind of flooring in washrooms and basements and bu cleaning up bigs spills quickly.

– Requires Refinishing and Repairs: The biggest hassle of hardwood floors comes when repairs are required. If one plank needs replacement, it becomes an intensive process which is best left to the professionals. In the same vein, these floors require occasional refinishing in order to ensure their continued resistance to stains and scratches. Luckily this is not a common occurrence.


There are pros and cons to everything in life, including any floor material you use to replace the old flooring. Hardwood offers many advantages but it also not without some downsides. In the end, any homeowner will have to decide whether the pros outweigh the cons. That being said, they should definitely still take it into consideration. For more information just visit your local flooring supplier.

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