Mice and Rats in Arizona

Photo by DSD from Pexels

Because of certain cartoon shows and movies, mice and other rodents have become cute to some people. But if you’ve ever experienced having them as pests in your home or place of business, then you know that’s not the case at all. They’re dirty, they spread diseases, they damage your stuff, and can be very hard to get rid of. That is, unless you’re the best mice exterminator in Phoenix, AZ. Then it’s not too difficult to get rid of them at all.

What the best rodent control company in Phoenix, AZ can do for you is not only remove these pesky rodents from your home or place of business, but they also make sure they don’t come back. From eliminating all the rodents found on your property to sealing possible entry points, these are definitely things you want to be doing if you want to live rodent-free.

Here are some of the most common rodents found in the state of Arizona:

Deer Mouse – these are some of the smaller rodents you’ll find, growing up to only about 3 to 4 inches in size. They range in color from white to black, and may be distinguishable by their white underbellies and white feet — okay, maybe that’s a little bit cute, but don’t forget they spread diseases (like the hantavirus pulmonary syndrome) either by direct contact or by being exposed to their urine and feces, and can inflict damage as easily as some of the other larger rodents in our list.

House Mouse – they’re also small, but not as small as the deer mice above. House mice can grow to be about 5 to 7 inches in length, including their tail. They’re typically light brown with some gray shading, and have off-white underbellies with dark-colored tails. These mice depend on people for food and shelter so they’re commonly found inside homes (hence the name house mouse). These mice are notorious for their droppings — that’s about 50 droppings a day, even though they only eat about one-tenth of an ounce of food in the same day! Like deer mice and many other rodents, they’re also carriers of diseases like lymphocytic choriomeningitisor LCM for short.

Pack Rat – they’re called as such because not only do they like storing food (like many other creatures do), but they also like to accumulate various items like small shiny metal objects. Stuff that isn’t really (or at all) important to their survival, but they like collecting these anyway (you’re not missing an earring, are you?). Other objects they may collect and hide away include small pebbles, sticks, insect or vertebrae remains, and edible plants. Of course, these rats also carry diseases like the dreaded plague.

Roof Rat – these rats are also known as black rats. They’re often black, but can be a dark brown color too with a lighter-colored underside. If you guessed they’re called roof rats because they like to nest in your roof, you’re close. They like to nest in the upper levels of a house like attics or up in trees if they’re out in the wild. These rats carry and spread diseases such as leptospirosis and typhus, whether that’s by direct contact or by being exposed to their urine and feces too.

So no, rodents like these definitely aren’t cute, and if you have a rodent problem, get rid of them ASAP!

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