Instilling Life in the Surroundings: 4 Interesting Facts About Living Walls You Likely Didn’t Know

Have you ever considered adding a living green wall to your home office, business, or building? Living walls are vertical gardens that are also simply referred to as green walls. Without a doubt, they’re one of the most impressive natural features you can add to upgrade a space. While you begin planning your own, here are four facts you should know about living walls.

1. Living walls are most likely an ancient idea.

Living walls have certainly been trending in many urban areas and eco-friendly homes. But when were they really invented? Many people think they first came about when an Illinois landscape architecture professor unveiled his own in 1938.

However, we can see early examples of vertical plant architecture in many ancient civilizations. Ancient Egyptians built green garden walls, while the Greeks used similar concepts for their vineyards. The Incas, oceans away, also used vegetation in a similar manner.

2. You can save money with a living wall.

If you’ve ever checked out green walls by Sagegreenlife, you’ve probably been curious about what kind of investment you’ll have to make in a green wall of your own. The truth is, these costs can be offset over the long term with the money you save.

Living walls can be very insulating in drafty buildings, with many owners sidestepping expensive fissure repairs by installing plants. They can also cool the air, helping you reduce energy costs.

3. Living walls help clean the air.

Ever decide to freshen up your home office with a new potted plant? Depending on what kind of green wall you construct, you can maximize these benefits. Hydroponic walls, which do not use soil, are known to drastically improve air quality in those buildings where they’ve been installed.

There’s no telling how many dust particles, mold spores, and other allergens you can rid your building of when you rely on green technology to do the job for you. This is a better step toward the elimination of fossil fuels than running electric air purifiers nonstop.

4. Expect to see more living walls in the future.

When you consider the way the world is developing, green walls and vertical gardens make a great deal of sense. On exteriors, they’re a creative and attractive way to protect older structures from the elements.

They can make noisy areas quieter, and can boost the overall value of your property. But almost more than anything, there’s real incentive to install them. Credits and tax breaks for green investments are on the rise in some countries. Meanwhile, highly urbanized areas can leverage all of the benefits of green walls in one go, making them an increasingly obvious choice for a modern yet timeless upgrade.

That extra coat of paint just doesn’t bring nearly the same value as a living wall. Living green walls are a completely customizable and energy-efficient way to bring more nature into your everyday living and working environment. Leave your patch of this planet a little better than you found it with the power of plants — it won’t be long before everyone else is.

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