Expert Tips for Cleaning a Kitchen

Cleaning hands

Cleaning is one of those extremely boring tasks that none of us want to do. We’d much rather go for a hike or watch a DVD box set than scrub the floor or polish the countertops. But whilst cleaning is tedious, it is a necessary evil. After all, the kitchen is where you prepare food and possibly eat meals, so do you really want to be chowing down in a pit of festering bacteria?

For this article, we asked a few expert cleaners for their tips on how to properly clean a kitchen. This is not a definitive guide, but these handy hints are enough to get your kitchen looking pristine.

When to Use Simple Cleaning Products

Whether you’re doing your nightly clean-up or are partaking in end of tenancy cleaning and are about to move out, use safe cleaning products. Check out the household aisle of your nearest Target and you’ll be spoiled for choice in terms of cleaning products. There are literally hundreds of different products and brands to choose from, but in most cases, a few simple ingredients are all you need to clean most surfaces.

Make a mixture of dish detergent, water, and vinegar. This is perfect for cleaning countertops, floors, tiles, and all hard surfaces. It’s kind to the environment and very inexpensive to make. Use this as your everyday cleaning solution. Add some lemon juice to cut through grease and give the solution a nice fragrance.

If you need some extra assistance on tough stains, mix up a paste of baking soda and water. Add to the area and leave for 10 minutes to work its magic. You can also add the paste to a clean cloth and scrub at the stain.

When Specialist Products Are Needed

There are some instances where a specialist cleaning product is helpful. For example, if you have granite countertops, using anything acidic is a big no-no, as it could damage the surface. A reputable brand such as Rock Doctor granite cleaning products is the preferred option for our experts. These specialist cleaning products protect your natural stone countertop and keep them looking at their best for longer.

Daily and Weekly Tasks

Little and often is the key to a nice, clean kitchen. Make a habit of sweeping/vacuuming your kitchen floor daily. You also need to wipe down countertops and sinks at least once a day. This helps to ensure food residue and general grime is kept at bay.

Once a week, clean your kitchen floor, wipe down tiles, splashbacks, and other hard surfaces.

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning doesn’t have to be a weekly task, but you should aim to do a deep clean every two or three months. This involves emptying cupboards and drawers, vacuuming them, and then wiping them out with a cleaning solution. Clean out your refrigerator too. Though it’s cold in there, that doesn’t mean bacteria can’t grow!

Clean your oven as often as it needs. Pro-tip: buy a self-cleaning oven; it makes life a lot easier.

Have a schedule for cleaning your kitchen and tick off chores as they are completed. Don’t forget to delegate some of them!

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