Are Drivers Taking Advantage of Tesla’s Autopilot Feature?

Self-driving car

What is the autopilot feature? 

Autopilot is one of Tesla’s standout innovative driver-assist features. Essentially it allows the vehicle, autonomously, to control itself. Yes, this means it can accelerate, brake and steer all by itself allowing the driver to lay back and relax but at the same time paying equally as much attention as they were before.

The technology will also allow the car to switch between lanes, doing so with the help of a wide range of sensors to detect another driver’s activity. This technology has only been developed over the last decade. However, drivers across the country are quickly becoming heavily reliant on it.

Why are drivers falling asleep at the wheel? 

The more technology evolves the more naturally, as humans, we become more dependent upon it. However, this leniency can also bring along with it dangers of being too reliant and that is exactly why drivers are now taking advantage of this convenience. Despite the fact that the autopilot system will alert the driver every 30 seconds should they not have their hands at the wheel, it seems like this isn’t proving enough of a deterrent and in fact drivers have been seen falling asleep at the wheel of their cars due to the fact they know the car is going to get them to their destination.

However, not only is this foolish but it’s also dangerous. Despite the autopilot system having gone through numerous tests, there are allegations that it has played a role in numerous accidents. The owner’s manual also states that drivers should always be ready to jump in at a moment’s notice. There has been a significant amount of controversy regarding the autopilot feature, as there are claims that it has been active during a total of three fatal crashes in the US alone.

What can Tesla do? 

Tesla has come out with a robust defense of their autopilot system and has questioned the authenticity of some of these alleged videos, making a hint that they could purely be pranks and that in fact, the driver wasn’t asleep at all. However, investigations still need to be made to ascertain exactly why the autopilot system wasn’t doing enough to prevent this should the allegations have proved true.

They’ve also repeated their claims about the safety restrictions of the autopilot feature warning the driver every 30 seconds or so. However, as people always will do — they’ve endeavored to find ways around this, which brings about many risks. Many have claimed it should lean more towards Cadillac’s autopilot safety feature, where, instead of it requiring the driver to hold the steering wheel, it monitors for eye contact to ensure the driver is engaged with the system.

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