How to Combat the Dreaded Festival Toilets?

Every festival goer and festival organiser has their own story to tell about the dreaded festival toilets. It might be queueing for hours, the unpleasant sights inside the portable toilet or even not quite making it.

As the festival season approaches many people are planning their own big events or deciding which festivals to attend. Once you have your summer planned and you are looking forward to the amazing music, fantastic company, and sunny days, there is only one thing looming over you: the dreaded festival toilets! Here is how to combat the festival toilets for the organisers and the festival goers:

Advice for the Festival Organisers

If you are planning your own event this summer, then the power is in your hands when it comes to improving the festival facilities for your guests.

1. Hire an Events Management Company

SRP Hire Solutions not only provide portable toilets to festivals with people maintaining them throughout the event, they can also provide specialised events management services as well. This means if something does go wrong with the toilets, catering, music or anything else, your events management team will be on the case straightaway.

This service can also help with planning the event so that you know you have everything under control and there is a team working with you at all times.

This leaves you with time to enjoy the festival as much as everyone else.

2. Have Staff On Hand to Help

Employee staff can stand outside the toilets to help. Have a supply of toilet paper, hand sanitiser, soap and other necessities available for your guests to use.

You can also employ staff that can control queues and crowds near the toilets to make sure it never gets out of hand.

3. Plan an Indoor Festival Instead

For many people even the thought of a festival toilet is scary so they instead opt for an indoor festival. This doesn’t mean invite everyone to your house and see how you get on but it is a great way of combating the festival toilets.

Across the country, there are music festivals held in pubs, clubs and other venues with indoor toilets. These pubs and clubs work together to create a festival housed in hundreds of different venues on the same day in a certain city. This means the bars and clubs can host all different events and acts whilst the festival goers avoid those horrid toilets.

This will save you the stress of looking after the festival toilets but it does mean you will be missing out on that beautiful British weather.

Advice for the Festival Goers

For you, the festival goer, hiring your own toilet to take with you might be quite hard work. For you it is all about thinking smart, packing the essentials, and just embracing the festival lifestyle for the summer.

1. Pack Toilet Supplies

One of the worst things about festival toilets is queuing for 15 hours only to find that there is no toilet paper or hand soap.

Make sure that you pack a large supply of toilet paper, wet wipes, plastic bags, soapy water and hand sanitiser. You can never have enough of the stuff for a weekend festival event.

2. Go in Groups

If you have to visit the toilet then make sure you go as often as possible. Organise a trip so that the group all goes together and you don’t have to keep re-visiting the dreaded toilets.

All that is left to do now is embrace the festival toilets and have an amazing summer of festivals!

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