How to Choose the Perfect Coffee Roaster for Your Home

Coffee roaster

There’s no doubt to the fact that your amazing love for coffee brought you here to this article and one thing is for sure; we won’t let you leave disappointed. There are people out there who cannot start their mornings without a cup of coffee. Chances are that you are one of those people and you may be looking for a coffee roaster. Your search for a coffee roaster is a clear-cut indication that you would like to take all coffee matters into your own hands. From roasting to brewing, you want to do all of it by yourself.

Looking for a home coffee roaster? You won’t be able to buy a coffee roaster without some guidance, especially if it’s your first time. The market out there is full of coffee roasters that vary a lot both in price and in complexity. Moreover, if you are just beginning with coffee roasting, then it is very obvious that you wouldn’t want something that’s difficult to use or way too complex. Here are some of the main tips you need to consider before purchasing a roaster.

1. Place where you want to roast the coffee

The first thing you need to consider is the place where you are planning to roast your coffee, because there are different coffee roasters for indoor roasting and outdoor roasting. When you roast coffee, it creates a lot of smoke and that smoke isn’t ordinary. It’s more than what’s created when you cook a meal. There is a thin element like chaff released when you roast coffee, and if you are using an outdoor roaster inside your kitchen, then things can get really messy. Make sure to first know the place where you are planning to roast the coffee.

2. Noise

Remember, roasting coffee will require some patience, mainly because this process is very noisy no matter what roaster you opt for. The air roaster is louder than the drum roaster. When you head to the market for a coffee roaster, make sure to first check the noise with which it comes. The less noisy the roaster will be, the better it’s going to be for you (and your neighbors).

3. Budget

Each type of home coffee roaster will come with a different price; make sure to decide on a budget before leaving the house. A small pan roaster will cost you somewhere around $25-$50. If you can afford this amount, then go for the pan roaster. If you have a lot of capital and want the best coffee roaster no matter what the price is, then choose a mid-level drum roaster or fluid bed coffee roaster.


These are some of the things you need to consider before buying a coffee roaster so you can enjoy the beverage during your work breaks. Use the tips we gave and decide on a budget beforehand. No matter what happens, don’t compromise on the quality of the roaster, because at the end of the day, you are spending your hard-earned money on it.

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