Buying a Mattress – All You Need to Know About Their Different Sizes

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Depositphotos 15411617 m 2015 e1504618278726

In today’s world, most of us have become very busy with our personal and professional commitments. Our lifestyles have become so monotonous that we have actually started functioning like robots.

In the midst of all that chaos, we do not get proper time to sleep. Lack of proper sleep and rest can gradually take a toll on your health, and even lead to serious health disorders. Even the advancement of technologies have created obstacles to proper rest. Many people become busy with their smartphone and tablets after hitting their beds, thereby depriving themselves of the much needed rest that their body requires.

When a person comes home after a long hectic day, the only thing he or she needs to do is get rest. Mattresses are the most important factor when it comes to resting. If you use a proper mattress, such as a matter mattress, then you can prevent a lot of bodily injuries while sleeping.

On the other hand, if your mattress is too old and worn out, you could invite serious injuries that could even last for your lifetime. Therefore, it is highly recommended for you to take a look at mattress makers and change your mattresses at least once every 4-5 years. You should consider it more like an investment in your health and wellbeing, and not a luxury.

If you wish to learn more about the best mattresses that are available on the market these days, you could check out some of the popular websites like In this post, we shall check out the different sizes of mattresses that are available so that you can make the right choices as per your personalized requirements.

Size of mattresses

Mattresses come in different sizes. If you are about to buy a new mattress, you can easily decide what size you need as per your requirement.

  • Twin Mattress – The dimension of a twin mattress is 38” X 75”. This is the smallest sized mattress. Finding the best twin mattress and purchasing it could be ideal for children, kids, adults, etc. People who live in a small or a studio apartment can choose this mattress. However, this mattress is small in size, so it is not suggested for couples and men or women with a tall height.
  • Twin XL Mattress – The dimension of this mattress is 38” X 80”. This mattress is slightly bigger than twin mattresses. This mattress is suitable for taller people. These types of mattresses are generally used in dormitories. The twin XL mattress is not suitable for couples.
  • Full/Double Mattress – The dimension of this mattress is 54” X 75”. This mattress provides more width thus it can accommodate more people. These mattresses are suitable for couples and also for people who like to spread out while sleeping. But pets cannot be accommodated on these mattresses.
  • Queen Mattress – The dimension of this mattress is 60” X 80”. This is the most popular mattress of all time. It provides extra space for taller people. It is also suitable for people who like to sleep with pets.
  • King Mattresses – The dimension of this mattress is 76” X 80”. These mattresses are most suitable for couples. But these mattresses cannot be accommodated in smaller rooms.
  • California King Mattress – The dimension of this mattress is 72” X 84”. This is the longest mattress. This mattress is suitable for taller couples who like to spread out while sleeping. But these mattresses can also not fit in smaller bedrooms.
  • Crib Mattresses – The dimension of this mattress is 28” X 52”. These mattresses are specially designed for newborn babies. These mattresses will be suitable for your child till it achieves the age of 18 months, or the baby reaches 3 feet in height, or the baby starts escaping the crib. The mattress for newborn babies should be as firm as possible because if the mattress is too soft, the baby’s face might sink in and cause suffocation. In addition, these mattresses cannot be used for anyone else.
  • Toddler Mattresses – Dimension is the same as the crib mattress. The only difference is that these mattresses are softer than crib ones.

There are various mattresses available in the market. What you need to do is make a decision only after doing proper research about the different types of mattresses. A mattress should be of perfect length and thickness, which will give your body proper rest. If mattresses are chosen without much research, it might cause health problems. So, keep all the above points in mind while purchasing a mattress.

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