The Best Way to Eliminate Ant Infestations Naturally

Ants on a peony

Insects are nature’s gift to the animal kingdom. They aerate the soil that grows fruit and vegetables. They are an abundant source of food for birds and small mammals. They pollinate flowers and rid your garden of aphids.

All the above is why it is so important to consider the balance of nature when ants become a problem in your home or business. All-natural options can eliminate your pest issue without creating risks for wildlife further down the food chain or contamination of local soil or water sources.

What Spray to Use

There are specialized all-natural sprays on the market that target ant colonies instead of the active ants outside of their habitat. Once the colony, and any other opportunistic ant populations that may follow, have been eradicated, then the root cause of why the colony chose that specific spot is dealt with as well.

Instead of an insecticide repellant spray that kills the ants foraging outside the colony, you can use a non-repellant spray that is tracked back into the nest and silently gets to work killing the ants underground such as those offered by Nature First Pest Control. This is the most effective and safe way to curtail the ant population. There is no chance of other insects being harmed by being caught in the crossfire of an insecticide repellant spray.

Signs Your Garden Has an Ant Colony

Seeing a line of ants inside your home or office is not where the problem lies. Often the issue is elsewhere on the premises in or around the affected buildings. Signs that indicate where an ant headquarters has set up shop are places where there are moisture or wood dust mounds.

These signs may be difficult to spot without close inspection. Additionally, in many areas ants are only active at certain times of the year. It is a wise decision to eliminate the colony while temperatures are high and ants can actively track the non-repellant ingredients back to the nest.

Carpenter Ant Control

Carpenter ants can destroy the foundation of homes in short order and often are not covered by insurance if you fail to take actionable steps to prevent their infestation.

These tiny pests require the use of boric acid dust injected into the affected structure’s walls. Carpenter ants are such a problem in some areas that specialist caulking and color-matching skills are implemented to maintain the aesthetics of homes that require extensive boric acid dust injection.

It is much safer to hire the services of a qualified pest exterminator to deal with an ant infestation instead of attempting to spray away the problem oneself. There are many different ant species, each with a particular way of invasion and food source. It is preferable to have an expert go around the roof and foundations looking for points of entry with a trained eye. It’s not only effective but not as dangerous as doing it oneself.

When an ant colony has been naturally controlled, it will leave your garden and home open for other benign species to populate in a more symbiotic way.

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