5 Ways to Protect Your Identity

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Depositphotos 84253490 m 2015 e1517330974461

Identity theft is real, it happens, and it’s scary. Countless people across the United States have fallen prey to identity thieves and as a consequence have lost a lot of money and their reputations are in shambles. Extensive campaigns against identity theft have been done for years now by concerned government agencies and non-government organizations, yet the crime still continues to victimize countless people every day. This is why it is of the utmost importance that you do your critical part in protecting your identity. Every single day must be a constant effort to protect your personal information.

Here are some ways to protect your identity:

Keep Your Social Security Number Confidential

Unless otherwise necessary due to employment at a new job or anything of that sort, do not easily give out your social security number or leave your card lying around where people can easily see it. Your social security number must remain confidential because it is among the primary targets of identity thieves. If you lose your card, replace it immediately. Update it as well regularly. You can do it without a sweat via application-filing-service.com.

Utilize Protective Credit Card Technologies

Upgrade your credit card to the latest version if you are still carrying the same one for a year or so. Current credit cards have upgraded features that intensify security and help protect you from theft. New computer chip technologies used in plastics have these features and more that will make credit card use more convenient and safe. Contact your credit card provider for card upgrades and for other ways you can protect yourself.

Update Your Passwords and Pin Codes Regularly

Security experts advise that people should regularly, if not monthly, change their passwords on important accounts and pin codes of cards used. Passwords can be hacked and may give away accounts with personal and financial information that is a treasure trove for identity thieves. Also, make sure that you keep your passwords and pin codes in mind and avoid writing them anywhere. It may be complex but you have to make a mental note of it, as that is something that people will not be able to steal.

Treat Paperwork Seriously

Some people have the tendency to intentionally ignore mail in the mailbox and other paperwork delivered to their door. These letters may contain vital personal and financial information about you and not handling them properly gives criminals the opportunity to sneak in and steal your data.

Be Cautious of Your Online Behavior

Lack of prudence in online transactions, especially in purchasing items and in subscribing to platforms, is the most common reason why people fall victim to identity theft. Some just mindlessly give out information that is supposed to be confidential. Exercise caution with your online transactions and do business only with legitimate platforms.

It is not that hard to protect yourself from identity theft. All you need is mindfulness of your actions and a consistent intention and action to protect any information that involves your identity.

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