3 Things You Should Do If Your Social Security Card Is Lost or Stolen

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Identification cards are some of the most important items a person must have. They are the only handy and convenient proof of our identities. Without solid evidence or proof of our identities, we wouldn’t be able to carry out transactions with the government or even in some private institutions. Take, for example, if you are trying to claim a government grant in which you are qualified for and you don’t have an ID with you, then no matter how hard you plead, you will never be able to receive that grant. Of course, how would they know that you are the right person who is on their list? The same goes for some private institutions like private banks. If you are trying to cash a check that was named to you, then you will need an identification card for it to be released to you. Therefore, it is very important that you always have an identification card with you at all times.

While there are many types of identification cards, one of the most vital and useful of them is the Social Security card. Social Security cards are considered to be the most basic form of identification as they can be claimed the moment a person is born, along with the birth certificate. It is the card that contains your Social Security number – the unique code that proves that you are a citizen of your country and the number will be used in your tax declarations. Thus, once your Social Security card is lost due to theft or any other reason, then your identity will most likely be at risk. Take note that with how cunning and crafty criminals have now become, framing you for their crimes can be very simple as long as they have your Social Security number. And to help you avoid and prevent that kind of situation, below are 3 things that you should do should your Social Security card get stolen.

1. Immediately report the theft to the police

Once you realize that your Social Security card is lost or stolen, immediately inform the police and file a theft or loss report. The earlier you do this, the higher chances you have of recovering your Social Security card and avoiding an identity theft done by someone using your Social Security number.

2. Contact credit card companies and other related agencies

Call the credit card companies and banks you are affiliated with and request an immediate freeze on all of your cards. Hackers and criminals today have methods to use your Social Security card in order to make purchases through your accounts. Thus, it is best that you inform the credit card companies of your situation and have your accounts frozen until you get a replacement.

You also need to be wary of tax evaders that might use your Social Security number in order to fax fake tax returns under your name, so it is best that you also report and inform the IRS of your situation.

3. Get a replacement card

And finally, you need to get a replacement card. Getting one is actually very easy as the government allows 3 free card replacements every year. Just fill out and submit the necessary documents and photos, and you will quickly get a replacement.

As a final reminder, your Social Security number will still be the same even with a replacement card. Thus, it is best that you still monitor and watch out for suspicious transactions under your name. For more information, you can visit https://lostsscard.com.

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