When to Contact an Attorney in a Case of Medical Malpractice

Attorney meeting client in office

Have you ever considered the thought of losing a loved one by the carelessness of somebody whom you trusted? This is something that we will focus on in this article. Medical malpractice is a serious issue that has been overlooked to an extent for quite some time. Before we dig deep into the crux to understand it, let’s understand what it is meant to be:

“Medical Malpractice is a legal action taken against a medical professional whose negligence during service has caused damage to the patient.”

There have been many instances where doctors, medical staff, and medical practitioners have been held accountable, based on them failing to properly handle a patient.

What are the different types of medical malpractices?

Here are some of the most common types:

  • Delayed Diagnosis: In this case, the doctor diagnoses the issue late. As a result, the patient suffers more damage.
  • Misdiagnosis: In this situation, the doctor fails to diagnose the prospective illness.
  • Failure to Treat: This issue has gained momentum over the years with doctors having lots of patients to treat, but no proper treatment is given to each patient.
  • Surgical Errors: The most common error that one could make. It includes not giving proper treatment, using faulty instruments, and using non sterilized equipment.
  • Medical Product Liability: Most patients need to be issued proper instructions regarding the medical device that they have to use. If a faulty medical device causes damage, then that could be an issue.

When should you contact a medical malpractice lawyer?

Contacting a medical malpractice lawyer is extremely pivotal when potential damage has been done. A doctor’s negligence could easily claim a patient’s life. Contacting an attorney is pivotal when something has gone wrong.

Let me put some clear situations in front of you:

Injury during surgery

If your loved one has suffered an injury during the surgery, then that is something that you need to take very seriously. Most doctors will let you know about the repercussions of going under the knife. However, if something severe has happened which was not expected or discussed, then you can acquire a medical attorney’s help.

Patient not informed of the side effects of a treatment

This is a very common case for most patients. Have you or your loved one suffered on account of that? If yes, then this is the right time for you to stand up. A simple example includes a patient not being told about the repercussions of a particular drug that is used for medical purposes. If your loved one has had a heart stroke on account of taking Uloric tablets, then you can consult dolmanlaw.com to seek professional advice about the next step.

Incorrect medicine prescribed for an issue

Just as we have mentioned the Uloric case in the example above, it can also be taken in a different context. Suppose that the doctor suggests the wrong medicine for your treatment. This is a very strong form of malpractice that has been done. There is no need to overlook it, and it is better to seek legal help so that the doctor can be stopped from harming more patients in the future.

The patient was not properly treated during the surgery

Medical practitioners and their staff may make this mistake during surgeries. A simple example is when they use non-sterilized equipment during surgery, mishandle the anesthesia dosage, etc. Many people even die as a result of being treated with faulty surgical instruments. In some severe cases, deaths have occurred as a result of incorrect medications that were given during operations.


The above-mentioned cases are just some of the cases that we highlighted. There are many more instances when you surely will need to hire an attorney. Personal injury lawyers are of great help when it comes to putting an end to the criminal practices and unintentional mistakes done by the medical department.

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