5 Tips to Finding a Reputable Criminal Defense Lawyer in South Jersey

Judge in a courtroom

Criminal lawyers provide defendants with legal counsel, representation, and advice during a trial. If the defendant cannot afford a lawyer, the state provides them with a public attorney that is paid for by taxpayers. However, most criminal lawyers work through private criminal defense firms. Criminal defense lawyers defend various criminal charges and represent both adults and juveniles. If you are facing a criminal charge, make sure you get an excellent lawyer to represent you and give you counsel. Read on to discover five tips to finding a reputable criminal defense attorney in South Jersey.

1. Specialization

Since there are different types of lawyers, you have to look for one that specializes in criminal law. Even though they do not have to practice criminal law exclusively, it is crucial that your lawyer has regular involvement in criminal law. Your crime may also determine the experience of your attorney. For instance, if you are charged with a violent crime, then you should not go for a lawyer who only deals with driving under the influence of drugs. Visit their website and see what the lawyer specializes in.

2. Experience

In addition to specialization, you need a lawyer who has experience in courts, especially in local courts. Most people ignore this aspect, but local connections can assist your case in a significant way. Remember that each local court and judge do things in unique ways. A criminal defense lawyer in New Jersey will understand the legal process in South Jersey and will create a winning strategy for your case.

3. Referrals

Asking your family or friends for any leads is a great way to find a reputable criminal lawyer. If you have a family member who knows how attorneys operate, they can help you to determine the right lawyer for your case. If you have a friend who has hired a business or estate attorney, they may have ways to link you to a criminal lawyer. Word of mouth is an excellent way to get an honest opinion. However, you have to make sure that the person giving your referrals wants the best for you.

4. Clear Fee Structure

A reputable criminal lawyer avoids any confusion about their bill. Look for an attorney who explains their fees in simple terms. The attorney should also tell you what to expect during the trial and the total cost of their service. The cheapest lawyer is not always the best. Check what the services include and make sure that the lawyer is ready to defend you.

5. Responsive

Time is of the essence during a criminal case. You need a lawyer who is prepared to start on your case right away. An adequate and experienced attorney will also respond to your calls, texts, or emails quickly. Their legal team should be ready to organize meetings with you within the shortest time possible. If they respond quickly to your calls, they are likely to have your best interest at heart.

Do not rush when searching for the right criminal lawyer.

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