Why Animation and Visual Content Are the Latest Trends in Content Marketing


Content Marketing is the strategic marketing approach focusing on the creation and the distribution of relevant and consistent content to lure and retain a clear defined audience and ultimately increase the sales for the company. By this reliable method, relevant content is provided to the customers to help them solve their issues. Content marketing as a tool is used for marketing to increase the sales, save on costs and ultimately increase profits. Content marketing is the future of marketing and makes the customer loyal to a brand.

Content marketing strives to attract customers and thus it focuses on using animation and visual content as new tools. Content is evolving constantly. Visual content marketing and animation are becoming the most popular digital marketing trends all due to increased use of visual social media like Pinterest, Instagram, Vine, Facebook and many more. Professional marketers are now using innovative visual content agencies like Spiel to measurably enhance the results delivered by their marketing campaigns.

A main benefit of animation and visual content includes using them as a means to increase traffic and conversion among B2B businesses and digital marketers. The benefits of animation and visual content are as follows:

1] Animated and visual content is more engaging– The information to be passed out to the consumers is too much and converting a text message to visual or animated format will help to generate more traffic. Wear your creative caps while planning your content theme. Creating a user experience with visuals generates twice the engagement.

2] Animated is easier and faster to process– The animated and visual information can be processed 60000x faster than the text message. Thus this is the most prominent reason to shift from text to visuals. The human brain can process a limited amount of information at a given time so due to the fact that visual and animated facts can be processed faster, it tends to grab the attention of the viewers faster than texts.

3] Visuals and animated content make up 93 percent of all human communication– Animated and visual messages appeal to emotions and reach the emotions of the consumers faster, thus it is definitely more effective than text.

4] Preference of the consumers– The majority of consumers prefer visuals over texts. They do not want to have conversation with salespeople. This is where animated videos or the visuals can influence potential customers.

5] Animation and visuals simplify the complex topics– Videos present the matter in an easier way but animation takes it to another level. Animation brings life to the things or characters and depict mechanisms and processes of work. Animation simplifies difficult topics and makes them easier to grasp by the viewers.

6] Cost-saving– Along with the previous benefits noted, visuals are cost-effective. Animation videos are very cheap to make. Thus it is advisable to include this form of marketing strategy.

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