FUEL Your Summer Fitness: An Interview with World Renowned Photographer and Men’s Health Cover Model Jack Guy

Check out this great interview of Jack Guy, world renown photographer, Men’s Health Cover Model and Wakaya Perfection BulaFIT Advisory Board Member, by Jennifer Halliday.

:  You are a world renown photographer, photographing everyone from Gigi and Bella Hadid and Eva Longoria to Blake Shelton, Keanue Reeves and more and you are also a former Men’s Health Cover Model AND an avid fitness enthusiast. With your busy schedule, how do you make time for your active lifestyle?

Jack:  The thing is about maintaining my active lifestyle is that I just don’t know any different because I have been doing it my entire life. I started swimming when I was 4, started competing in swimming from age 7, started in the gym and running when I was 14 and I really haven’t taken any significant amount of time off from it ever since. If I go more than a couple days without some extreme exercise I start to feel anxious or stressed. I need it to level me out. There really is nothing better for the body and mind.

Jennifer:  You are incredibly passionate about the outdoors and you love to swim, you Stand Up Paddle, you hike and more. All are excellent workouts that also are challenging, what do you eat to find the energy you need to enjoy these sports?

Jack:  I eat 5 times a day. First meal is KetoFUEL shake with added ginger and turmeric. 2nd I do eggs and veggies. Something like cucumber and avocado. 3rd is lunch which is a protein with veggies/salad. 4th is another KetoFUEL shake. Last is dinner of protein with veggies/salad. Everything I eat has to be organic. I don’t eat sugar. Not even fruit. I don’t do any form of Caffeine. Caffeine can be a metabolism booster but I find if I do it I become dependent on it. And I never drink alcohol of any kind. Alcohol is the biggest metabolism killer. Not only does it add calories, carbs and sugars it also slows the metabolism and dehydrates you.

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Proteins: Eggs / Lean Beef / Chicken / Turkey / Fish
Fats: Avocado / Coconut Oil / MCT Oil / Ghee / Almonds / Olive Oil
Veggies/ Salads: Most anything green. No starchy veggies.​

Jennifer:  You enjoy Wakaya Perfection’s BulaFIT KetoFUEL on a daily basis, how do you enjoy it and how does it make you feel?

Jack:  My favorite way to make KetoFUEL:
Mix in Blender on medium speed with Bula Fit Keto Fuel:
16 oz Almond Milk (Unsweetened, home made from raw organic almonds)
1 Tsp Glutamine
1/8 Tsp of Wakaya Ginger
1/4 Tsp of Wakaya Turmeric

I enjoy my KetoFUEL in a shake twice a day. It tastes like a treat but feels like a healthy meal so it leaves me extremely satisfied. I often work out in the morning so it gives me enough energy to get through my workout without feeling like I have a lot in my stomach. In the afternoon it gets me through from lunch to dinner.

Jennifer:  When preparing for a Men’s Health Magazine feature, how do you train leading up to your shoot?

Jack:  I always eat clean, but if I need to be extra lean for a shoot I go Keto plus, which is keto with no carbs at all and absolutely no sugars of any kind. I also increase my meal count to 6 times a day in order to have less time between meals so my metabolism never slows down through the day.

Jennifer:  If you were stranded on a deserted island, what top 3 Wakaya Perfection products could you simply not live without?

Jack:  KetoFuel is at the very top of my list. Second would be the ginger and turmeric. (If I could take any more I would go for both the teas next).

To see more of Jack’s photography visit his site at www.jackguy.com.

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