How to Market Your Business like a Celebrity

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Depositphotos 85197684 m 2015 e1507322038813

When you start a business from your own home, you have to find creative ways to market yourself in order to stand out in a crowded market. This can be a difficult thing to do when you might not have a lot of capital to spare. Luckily social media has made marketing a home-based business much more cost-effective, and it also creates just as much impact, if not more, than traditional marketing channels like media advertising.

For someone just beginning their marketing efforts on social media, it can be intimidating. Luckily, if you fall into that category, you have excellent role models that can help you out: Celebrities. Many celebrities have mastered the art of social media; as a matter of fact, some individuals have become celebrities based on nothing else than their social media following. You can learn a lot from the examples that they set and apply those principles to your home-based business.

Check out Lily Jay for an example of an artist combining immense talent with social media savvy. And then try out some of these tips that the celebrities have utilized to pump up their own popularity.

The Build-Up

Celebrities are experts at building anticipation for their next project on social media. They might tease a new album by providing a snippet of a song, or preview their next film by giving a picture of their costume. They build mystery and pique interest in this fashion. You should think about doing the same for your home-based business. Providing little clues to upcoming sales or initiatives without spelling them out to people can be a way to fire up the anticipation of your customers, which should, in turn, improve business in the short and long run.

The Brand

Another thing that the celebrities who are most effective on social media understand is that it’s important to build a brand. That’s done by providing some form of consistency in all of your marketing efforts. In some cases, the celebrities will maintain that consistency throughout the life of a project, but others can keep their brand intact throughout many years. (Think of the Rolling Stones and their lips logo.) That’s why it’s important for you to define your business brand and find a way to express it to people before you even think about marketing on social media.

The Boo-Boos

Just as celebrities can provide excellent examples of what to do on social media, they also can give you clear proof of what not to do. There have been many celebrities who have seen their popularity wane and their brand damaged by an ill-advised tweet or poorly-composed social media campaign. That’s why you always have to be sure to think carefully before going ahead with any kind of undertaking online to promote your home-based business. Putting out something that might offend or turn off people can be a serious blow to your business fortunes.

So the next time you want to market your business online, just imagine what a celebrity might do. If you do, you might find yourself basking in the rewards to your bottom line.

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