Can Blogging Replace Your Day Job?

Are you tired of working for a company that doesn’t value your skill set? Do you feel like you’re wasting your life away working for a boss? Take control of your future and start an online venture that could eventually replace the income from your job.

Did you know that thousands of people earn a viable living from blogging? What if you could build a blog that pays you regular income? Here is a brief guide to what you need to know to start a lifestyle blog.

Start Small

If you have no idea on where to start, here’s a quick tutorial for creating your new blog. If you’re struggling for subject ideas, think about blogging on your hobbies. Writing or creating video content around your passion will keep you dedicated to the success of your blog.

For the first few months, try to stick to a publishing schedule and post at least every other week. Remember, your blog needs high-quality content if you want to succeed in your niche. Churning out content just for the sake of meeting a daily publishing schedule will end up burning out your creativity. Start slow and ease into the blogging experience.

Scale as You Grow

As you become comfortable with your publishing schedule, it’s time to think about ramping up your efforts. If you can’t write every day, consider outsourcing your content creation. Visit sites like Fiverr and Upwork, and you’ll find highly reliable writers that sell their skills for cheap.

Identify five writers that you feel would be a good fit and pay them to write a short article for you. Select the best submission and then contact the writer to ask them if they can deliver you 5 pieces every week. Make a list of topics and include relevant keywords trending in your niche, then ask your writer to create the content.

Content Is Everything

The content you publish on your blog determines your future success. If you publish stale and boring content, you’ll never gain any traction in your niche. Make sure that every story and video you post is original and worth consuming. In the digital age, people’s attention spans are shorter than ever before. If you don’t capture their immediate attention, then there’s a slim chance of them reading or viewing your post in its entirety.

Search engines penalise poor content. Don’t think that just because you’re posting every day you’ll improve your traffic and search results. If your publishing garbage, then Google will view it as such and bury your listing deep in the tail-end of search results.

When It’s Time to Quit Your Day Job

With enough time and persistence, it’s possible to build a blog that you can monetise. When your traffic reaches a certain level of unique daily visitors, you can expect to receive requests from other sites for advertising rates.

Reinvest your profits back into your blog and grow it into an industry behemoth that dominates your niche. Scale up and use the same tactics and strategies to start a second blog. After a few years, you’ll have a portfolio of blogs earning you a consistent online income.

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