How to Turn an Idea into a Successful Business

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Depositphotos 12260522 m 2015 e1517427960494

Have you ever had the germ of a great idea niggle away for days? If so, you are not alone. We all have brilliant ideas from time to time. Unfortunately, no matter how amazing your idea is, it doesn’t mean you have the makings of a successful business on your hands.

Most great ideas turn to dust, but every once in a while, someone takes an idea and turns it into a successful venture.  Jeff Bezos had an idea for an online bookstore called Amazon. It’s now the largest online store in the world. Google started as an idea for a different type of search engine. We all know how that one ended up. Then there was the guy who came up with an idea for a “pet rock” business. It probably sounds ludicrous, but four million people bought a “pet rock” in a box and he became a millionaire.

Your idea may not grow to that extent, but there is no reason why it can’t be the foundation for a successful business. First, however, you need to pick the right idea.

Market Testing

Is there a market for your idea? Without customers, your idea is doomed to fail. The guy who invented Betamax video found that out when VHS took off. Don’t be Mr. Betamax.

Share your idea with friends and family. Do people laugh out loud or are they taking you seriously? To be fair, people probably laughed at the man with the “pet rock” idea, so don’t lose heart if your idea falls on stony ground. Sometimes, we need a little faith in our convictions if we want to make it big.

Ask for Help

If you think your idea has legs, the next step is to start putting your idea into action. Draw up a business plan, decide how much capital you need to get the ball rolling, build a prototype, start marketing, create a website, and generate some online “buzz”.

At this stage, some outside help may be needed. Unless you are an expert on all things, there will be aspects of your business plan that you can’t execute without professional assistance. For example, website design is a fundamental part of any successful business in today’s online world. A professional website design service could be the difference between a lack-luster launch that disappears without a trace and a glittering start to your entrepreneurial career.

Unless you are starting on a shoestring, you may also need start-up capital. Try non-conventional sources such as crowdfunding. These sites are a useful measure of how successful an idea is likely to be; most people won’t invest in a venture they don’t think is viable.

Think Big

Thanks to the internet, we can all be global entrepreneurs at the drop of a hat. Why limit yourself to a local market? Think big and give your idea room to grow.

Even if your idea never grows into a successful business, use it as a valuable learning experience. You never know, your next idea might be ten times better!

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