What It Takes to Make a Living as a Freelance Writer

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One of the most popular businesses that you can operate out of your own home is one that generates income for you based on your skills as a writer. Freelance writers can essentially make their own hours, don’t have to report to any single boss, and also can do most of the work that is required of them from the comfort of their home. It can be an extremely gratifying lifestyle, and, if you have the talent, a pretty lucrative career as well. After all, the business world is structured in such a way that it is important for just about every industry to have an extensive amount of written content available, whether that means e-mails, newsletters, website content, social media posts and so on.

The so-called “gig” economy is certainly tailor-made for freelance writers. Perhaps you have demonstrated a solid ability to write in the past, whether it was in school, for a full-time job, or in your free time. That does not necessarily mean that you are cut out for the world of freelance writing, especially if you plan to make it your main occupation. There are certain qualities that you should possess because it is an extremely competitive field. Before making the leap, you should make an honest self-assessment to see if this particular type of home business is a good fit.

Freelance writing is an area where you might not require a lot of help to get started, as opposed to the world of cryptocurrency investing, which might necessitate just that kind of help. The following are the kind of qualities you should possess if you think freelance writing might be for you.

Strong Work Ethic

Many people think that once they become a freelance writer, people will somehow discover their talent and come beating down their door. On the contrary, you will be the one who has to go knocking down doors to find work. You have to always be on the lookout for available jobs that fit your particular skillset.

Thick Skin

Even if you’re an excellent writer, you are most likely going to get rejected for a lot of jobs. And, with the jobs you do get, you will likely get feedback from the person hiring that might be critical. If you’re not up for that kind of thing, which can easily bruise your ego, you might want to think twice about this potential career move.


The best way to make a good living from freelance writing is to be able to write about a lot of different subjects in many disparate styles. Being able to handle this kind of variety will put you in the running for more jobs than the person who only writes within a very limited range.

Freelance writing suits someone who shuns the structure of nine-to-five but has the creativity and eloquence to express themselves on paper. But it is not an easy field, by any means, so you should make sure about your qualifications before settling on it.

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