How to Find the Time to Blog for Your Business


When it comes to posting on your blog, life can get in the way. Maybe you’re still in school. Or perhaps you’re already working a 40-hour job. You might even have health problems that leave you feeling like you’re unable to get much work done. So, you shove your blog to the bottom of your never-ending to-do list. Luckily, by following a few tips, you can get your blog back on track.

Stop Multi-Tasking

If you’re a business owner, you likely have a thousand things to get done. From scheduling social media posts to updating your blog’s design to answering emails, your mind might be jumping from one task to another. So, you might have an email tab open, another for social media, and yet another for your blog. But multi-tasking is one of the worst things you can do when it comes to staying productive. When you move on to a new task, it can take a while for your brain to get into it. Before that, you aren’t being as productive as you could be. To keep your brain on track, do things in batches. For example, consider dedicating one day exclusively to writing posts. For other things that have to get done, like emails, consider checking them only in the morning and evening.

Manage Health Issues

It’s already challenging to be a business owner. But if you have health problems, you might feel too tired to effectively keep a blog going. You may have considered medical marijuana in the past to help you sleep better or manage other symptoms. The good news is that it is easy for busy professionals like you to get your medical marijuana card online in New York. Once you start feeling like yourself again, you might find that you have more time on your hands.

Break Down Tasks into Small Pieces

If you want to meet your goals, it’s important to break them down into manageable chunks. You might be surprised at how much more you can accomplish when you create easy steps. As you check off each piece, you’ll feel inspired to keep going because you’ll know you got something done. For example, instead of saying you’re going to write a blog post, you might create a checklist that looks something like this:

  • Brainstorm a list of topics and titles once a month
  • Research and write post content
  • Create images for posts
  • Proofread the posts
  • Schedule them for the best times
  • Schedule social media posts and emails

Prioritize Important Work

Many small business owners don’t have any problem coming up with ideas. The problem with this is that it can be hard to figure out which one to focus on. Try keeping a list of your best ideas. Once or twice a month, look at the ones you have going on and figure out which ones are the most important. Or you might try getting quick ones done. That can give you a sense of accomplishment that can help you keep going.

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