Advice for Starting on a Good Spring Clean

Folding Clothes
Sarah Brown / Unsplash

The aftermath of yet another winter storm has many people thinking it might be time to get a start on spring cleaning. This winter was particularly brutal with days on end of overcast skies and showers, making everything indoors damp, and well, dirty.

With fewer days to dry off clothes outside, dryer dust and dirt just added to the mix. On top of that, allergens from germs from those who have been under the weather tend to stick around, often flaring up, moving person to person through the household. It is no surprise that many are looking to maximise their spring cleaning to help make sure everyone stays healthy.

Tracking in the Wet Winter Weather

Wet shoes, no matter how carefully the soles were wiped, were a daily occurrence for the whole family and pets this past winter, tracking in mud which soon becomes ground into carpets. Kids sports means that there is, even more, coming through the door, and whilst there may seem to be no end in sight, local expert help is at hand.

This year, many towns have experienced severe flooding. Hundreds of householders have experienced localised flooding and damage to homes. Whilst those looking to collect on insurance payments may need to get three quotes to ensure that they can claim, those not affected are counting themselves lucky to have escaped this time unscathed. Winter dullness has taken hold in many places and tracking in the wet winter weather is a daily reminder.

Even if your home has not been affected by the recent storms, chances are that the extremely wet winter has meant more mess indoors. Wet outer clothes and shoes which never seem to get fully dry are a daily occurrence for many people. Running in and out to walk the dog, run errands and commuting to work and schools means that carpets and rugs have taken a heavy beating this winter. Even the most house proud home keeper has had a tough time staying on top of the mess. With Easter holidays around the corner, it might be a good time to start an early spring clean. It’s certainly less expensive than replacing all the carpets.

A Cleaner Home Is Healthier

Also, due to the wet and windy weather, more people are running their central heating as the cold temperatures take their toll. With windows closed throughout most of the day, it is not only the smells in the carpet making many feel under the weather. The dust and dirt in carpets, rugs, upholstery, and mattresses are a breeding ground for dust mites. These breed incredibly quickly and thrive in our moisture-rich winters and springs.

With busy lives and too much to do, it is very easy to put off the cleaning due to lack of time. After this particularly wet winter, a quick hoover is not going to be enough to make sure you get the most from your investment. Vacuuming alone will not remove all the contaminants that need to be removed. It makes sense to find someone reliable who knows exactly how to treat everything in your home and can be depended upon to fit your schedule and take care of the whole home. The good news is that there are services that can do a professional job in a fraction of the time it would take the average person. Freeing up your time, well, that is priceless.

Cleaning and refreshing upholstered furniture not only removes surface dirt and grime but also the allergens hidden inside. Removing the winter dullness and refreshing your home makes it far easier to stick to a routine to keep it cleaner going forward. That also means there is less worry about keeping everyone as healthy as possible.

Getting a Head Start on Spring Cleaning

Now is the perfect time to start organising a spring clean. Using pent-up energy on wet days to reorganize closets and rooms is a great way to set the scene to refresh your home. Even the most trampled paths from the hall through to the lounge or kitchen will make coming home feel like a pleasure after they are sparkling clean.

Even just giving the kitchen a deep clean, degreasing ovens and stoves means that the smell of past dinners is washed away and your home is fresh and sparkling. Getting someone that can take care of everything in an open-plan kitchen, dining, and living areas may seem like a challenge. However, some companies can arrange to do it all with their expert services.

Making More of Sunshine to Come

Rather than putting off the housework and cleaning to the weekend, why not set up a schedule which means that the daily chores are taken care of by Thursday night? Then you and the whole family can enjoy making the most of the weekend. Some set up a rota, some take a family vote on where to go.

Ensuring homework and chores are done and having to fit in family activities around work commitments may seem like a huge struggle for many. Setting small household goals each week in order to have some fun together later is a great way to strengthen family bonds.

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