Andrew Tarvin – Podcast – Humor That Works – A Missing Skill for Happiness and Success

Andrew Tarvin shares that 90,000 is the number of hours the average person works in their lifetime. 90,000 hours! That is more time than it would take to watch everything on Netflix. One-third of your waking life! The Current way of working isn’t actually working. To fix these numbers, we have to change the way we work.

If you want to increase productivity, relieve stress and be happier in your business, learn from Andrew Tarvin, the world’s first and only Humor Engineer.Andrew TarvinRichard “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Andrew Tarvin (Drew Tarvin) (, who is a Ted Talk alumni and author of the new book, Humor That Works: The Missing Skill for Success and Happiness at Work.

Subjects discussed in Podcast include:

  • Why is humor a skill that can be learned by anyone?
  • Three components of successfully using humor in your workplace and business
  • What are the benefits you and your business can get from using humor?
  • Should you use humor during an interview, meeting or sales call with a client?
  • What types of humor should you stay away from in the workplace?
  • What can business owners learn from stand-up comedians?

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Episode Sponsor:  City America *

Interview Guest:

Andrew Tarvin
Drew Tarvin is Author of “Humor That Works”











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