4 Common Popup Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

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Popup banners are the most controversial form of marketing. Some find popup banners annoying, while some say that if implemented correctly, they will present useful information that you need right away. It is believed that 20-70% of visitors are likely to provide their contact details if good and relevant popups are used.

Popups that bring a 70% conversion rate are very rare, but in general, good popups bring about a 3-4% conversion rate. Good popups appear at the right time and contain relevant content. So, instead of annoying the visitor, they bear fruitful results. If you’re a marketer in the eLearning business and are tired of not getting desired results even after trying your hands on various types of marketing strategies, we’ll show you how to use popups to your advantage. The only condition is that you should use them wisely. Let’s have a look at the do’s and don’ts to make your popup banner campaign a success.

Take a look at some common mistakes.

1. Timing – Timing is of great importance for a popup to appear to determine its conversion rate. It cannot be too soon or too late; it just has to be perfect. A popup that appears right at the start will annoy the visitor because it is an obstruction to the content for which he or she initially came for. If a popup is too late, you’re missing out on the opportunity. So what exactly is the right time for a popup to appear?

The time for a popup to appear should not be calculated in terms of seconds or minutes, but in terms of percentage of time spent by a user on your website. Yes, it is a result of the analytics of your website. Studies suggest that a popup should appear when the users are comfortable with the information they are looking for and are almost halfway through. Considering this, the ideal time for a popup to show is considered to be when the user has spent 60% of the average time spent on the website.

2. Asking for a lot of information – The internet is filled with lazy people and with people who get annoyed or irritated quite often. An eLearning business requires you to ask for a few details like a name, email address, contact number, and a brief description about the requirements (optional). If the person is interested, they will definitely share their details. Asking for information like city, age, gender, etc. can easily annoy the visitor and will do more harm than good.

3. Popup banners without a close button – Nothing is more annoying than a popup without a close button. All of us hate it. We hate it to the extent that sometimes we end up smashing our keyboards. Displaying a popup banner that cannot be closed is the worst thing that you could do to your users and your eLearning business.

4. Popup banners with a lot of textDisplaying a popup banner full of plain text is always a bad idea. eLearning is a way of revolutionising traditional learning through creative methods. Whereas, a text-only popup serves the exact opposite purpose and portrays your business as very traditional. Always follow the idea of ‘Less is More’ and believe in conveying more information through less text. Be creative and use some infographics or pictures and use minimal text.


Mentioned above are some of the most common mistakes made by course providers while using popup banners, because of which they do more harm than good. Avoid such mistakes and see what popup banners have in store for you. Thank us later! We also have a complete popup banner guide for eLearning companies which beginners and aspiring popup marketers can refer to.

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