Real Estate Advice: The Best Tips for Selling a Home at the Price You Want


On average, homes stay on the market for around 68 days. This is great for home sellers because having a house on the market for a long time can cost a ton of money in property taxes and other expenses.

But many houses end up selling for less than asking price because home sellers are so eager to move on. They end up working with estate agents and agree to sell their home for much less than what they can actually get for it. If you live in the United Kingdom, estate agents in Bicester can help you get the process going and get your house sold for the correct price.

So, how can you both sell your house fast and sell it for the price you’re asking for?

With this real estate advice, you can boost your home’s value and attract a lot more interest in your home from potential buyers.

Deep Clean the Entire House

Have you ever walked into a dirty home and immediately wanted to leave?

Now, imagine potential buyers walking into your home and seeing dusty shelves and dirty carpets. Do you think they will make a fair offer on your home?

It’s very unlikely because it’s hard to look past dirt and grime to see the actual beauty of a home.

By deep cleaning the entire house, you won’t be impeding the vision of potential home buyers, allowing them to picture themselves in a picture-perfect home. This can lead to a higher offer on your home compared to if it were messy.

Clear Out Clutter and Personal Items

There are things in every home that makes it feel like “home” to whoever lives there. It could be a painting a family member made or heirlooms that have been passed down. But while these items make you feel at home, it has the opposite effect on home buyers.

Potential buyers want to be able to picture their own things in your house, and it’s hard to do that when it’s cluttered with your things.

So clear out those meaningful items and all of the extra clutter you have lying around. Just leave the bare minimum furniture pieces and let potential buyers use their imaginations. This can lead to higher and more frequent offers on the home.

Boost Your Curb Appeal

First impressions are extremely meaningful, and it’s no different when showing your house to a new potential buyer.

The first thing someone will see when visiting your house if the exterior, which is why your curb appeal is so important. Take care of your landscaping, add more plants and flowers, make sure the exterior paint is fresh, and check the roof for any cracks in the tiles or shingles.

You can also make additions to your home that match the aesthetic of the architecture. For example, if you have a period home, check out for some great ideas.

Use This Real Estate Advice to Sell Your House Faster

If you want to sell your house fast and sell it for your asking price or higher, then these tips are essential. By putting forth some effort before showing your home to potential buyers, you can really boost the value and attract more interest.

Looking for more real estate advice and home tips? Check out the rest of our blog for some great content!

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