Standing Out During the Business Pitch

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A business pitch is important for acquiring new resources. A business pitch can lead to new clients for some and thus new sources of income for the company and its employees. Other business pitches could be for the purpose of acquiring a new partner or to even attract prospective investors. Whatever the case, standing out during a business pitch is crucial. There is a psychology behind the process of perfecting the perfect pitch. If you do not stand out, the pitch can fall flat and there will be nothing gained from it. Thus, in order to stand out, there are a few rules that must be followed. These include providing clarity, doing your market research, and the use of pitch visuals.


A business pitch must be clear for it to be understood. Do not use overly complicated jargon that not many people will understand as it will diminish the value of your pitch. If people can’t understand it, the pitch would not have resulted in anything. Provide clarity and be concrete. Remember that people are self-interested, so consider what it is those that are listening to the pitch can gain from it, and utilize that.


A successful pitch will have research backing it up. An example for this situation is a business pitch targeting investors. Know the industry you are pitching in to know what already exists and what doesn’t. An example of research gone wrong is an entrepreneur that pitches a product that already exists on the market. If there is nothing new or different about that product, it will fall flat with investors. The research you do can also determine the effectiveness of your pitch. If you know the industry and have hit the ground running with an idea, especially one that has generated sales, include that as part of the pitch. Potential investors are interested in knowing the effectiveness of a business, and if you can provide sales numbers do so.


Visuals can add to the look of a business pitch. Rather than merely talking, have a presentation playing and add to the momentum. As a business, you can even hire an outside service that will provide you with a custom whiteboard animation video. These types of custom videos can illuminate the pitch you are trying to get across and can even give you an edge, as many people opt for merely talking when pitching their idea.

Anyone can deliver a business pitch, but not everyone can deliver a business pitch that stands out. Refining the pitch may take some time, but remember to also keep in mind a few factors while doing so. The clarity with which you deliver your pitch will greatly affect the delivery. In addition to this, ensure that you have done the appropriate market research before you deliver the pitch, especially when speaking to potential investors. There is no point in delivering a pitch for a product that already exists on the market, especially if there is nothing different. Lastly, the use of visuals and slides can help you stand out during a pitch. Know your audience, know your facts and be confident in the delivery during a business pitch.

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