7 Steps to Stream Live TV on Your Smartphone

If you are living in the fear of missing your favourite TV show like most of us do, a live streaming guide enables you to watch the show on your smartphone. According to Mark Collin who is a Marketing Technologist at Ktel, mobile broadband services these days are competent enough to stream live TV on your phones. While there are services like Netflix available, there might be a particular TV show that isn’t available on Netflix. With immensely busy lifestyles, you hardly get the time to sit in front of the television when a show is airing. These days people like to watch TV shows amidst their own comfort and convenience. Whether you’re working abroad or busy holidaying, here are seven steps to stream live TV on your smart phone.


1. Gather all your equipment and activate your device

Firstly, you will need a TV tuner card or a USB stick that can be plugged into your computer. This is done via satellite or cable. A media centre application needs to be downloaded on your phone in addition to a free plug-in. It is also imperative to install an application. Once your TV account is set up, add your computer or mobile device to your account. The best live streaming applications can be found online easily.

2. Search for TV channels

Once your TV tuner is plugged in and all your drivers are installed, you can start the configuration of your TV server. You can view instructions on configuration online.

3. Configure and test your channels

After your scanning is done, you can select whichever TV channels you wish to view. Channels that you are no longer interested in can be removed with the press of a button. Channels can also be deleted.

4. Choose your recording preference

In the recording section you are able to choose which TV show you would like to record at your own convenience. A tab can verify when you start and end your recording.

5. Set up remote availability

To let you watch your favorite TV shows, you must assign your computer a particular static IP address. Next, a port on your router needs to be configured to allow you to access the signal of your TV when you are outside.

6. Watch streamed live TV on your smartphone

Once your application is configured, you need to change your login details to begin with. This ensures optimum security. Now you are ready to watch your live TV or schedule a time to watch these recordings later.

7. Troubleshooting your card problems

If you receive an error message or your channel isn’t showing, you need to adjust your card setting.

With excellent video quality and spectacular resolution, the streaming service offers you service with incredibly less lag time and tremendous versatility. An easy user interface ensures swift streaming and happy watching. There are plenty of options when considering live streaming options for your smartphone. The system has reached the pinnacles of success today because of its professionalism and high reputation. Completely trusted worldwide streaming services bring to you speed with simplicity and great quality. Once you determine what you will be using live streaming for, everything begins to make more sense.

Things to keep in mind when streaming live TV on your smartphone

You must remember that streaming live TV on your smartphone using the Internet can use up a lot of your mobile data; hence it is always advisable to use Wi-Fi when engaging in live streaming. One of the main inadequacies of this kind of streaming is the detrimental effect it has on the battery life of your phone. It is advisable to disable your background apps to resolve your battery issues. For more information, check this out.

For immediate information, awareness about the news and uncontrollable entertainment wherever you go, live streaming lets you watch your desired channel live. Whether it’s catching up on missed episodes or watching movies on the go, it streams everything on to your smartphone so you can watch it at your own ease. If you are seeking to transform your smartphone into a fully functioning television, this is just the thing for you.

Here are some websites that could be of use to you when streaming live TV on your smartphone.

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