An Essential Guide to Attending Virtual Company Events at Home

Person in virtual company event

During the pandemic, everything shifted to the virtual world. It is no longer new to participate in virtual company events since they are part of the new normal. Despite the fact that you may miss the opportunity to travel to new locations to attend various events, remote events will be the norm.

While it is impossible to recreate the experience completely, there are a few things you can do to make the most of it. Whether you plan to attend a conference or summit soon, it remains a virtual component of business, networking, and skill development. Today’s trends and innovations make it possible to take virtual corporate experiences to a completely new level.

If your company is planning a virtual event, here are some tips to help you make the most out of it.

1. Stay Informed

Make sure you will be present if there is an upcoming corporate event, whether you have to register or it is a mandatory event. Remember that events are planned ahead of time, and registration numbers or the current employee count assists the host in preparing for the crowd.

Once the date of the virtual corporate event is announced, make sure to note it down, either in your planner or calendar. Then you will never forget and make the necessary preparations for the event.

Staying up to date with emails is a good way to remember the event. Most events send out emails ahead of time with tidbits of information about what to expect or even critical information about the upcoming event.

To ensure you have a seamless virtual experience on the day of the corporate event, some of the considerations to think about include the following:

  • Look for a login password or an event code.
  • Determine whether cameras and microphones will be turned on or off.
  • Know who to contact if you have any questions or require assistance.
  • Check if the virtual company event allows for audience participation or interactive screen sharing.

Today, most conferences in various industries outline the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section in advance. If you cannot find one, email the organizer to get clarifications on any questions you might have.

2. Learn About the Platform for the Virtual Company Event

Virtual company events can utilize a variety of platforms. The global pandemic brought about advancements in the video conference industry, providing businesses with different platforms. However, the availability of various platforms can be overwhelming.

Depending on the platform used for your upcoming virtual company event, it should be a breeze if you are familiar with it. However, if the event utilizes an unfamiliar platform, make an effort to learn more about how the platform works. Some of the most prominent video conferencing channels include a best practices page with useful tips.

Spend a few minutes before the event familiarizing yourself with the video conferencing platform. It allows you to become acquainted with the interface and ensures a smooth experience within the event.

Person in virtual company event

3. Observe Proper Etiquette When Attending Virtual Company Events

Depending on the type of virtual company event you will be attending soon, make an effort to know how you will present yourself in the virtual world properly. Doing so ensures you will look professional and put your best foot forward.

A live stream of your current office setup is the best place to start. A casual setting is usually sufficient if the event only involves your office colleagues. On the other hand, a meeting with potential clients and an unfamiliar audience necessitates adjustments. After making the necessary adjustments to make your space presentable, you need to know how to make the most of your camera and microphone.

Once you enter a virtual event, the golden rule is to start with your video on and microphone on mute. You have the option to switch the settings later on, but it is the best way to start. Remember that even if you do not leave your camera on the entire event, it is best to at least start the session by being visible to everyone. The approach allows other attendees to see who’s present and establish human connections. Before turning your webcam on, be ready and presentable.

4. Take Part in the Event Segments

Depending on the type of virtual event you will be attending, make an effort to participate since it is your chance to learn and improve your networking skills. If the event you will be attending is a lengthy one, be mindful of your attention span. You are likely to multitask or veer away from the content in such cases. While it is probably not your fault, make an effort to remain focused and engaged throughout the event.

Do not miss the interactive phase of the virtual event. Be clear and considerate when asking questions or participating in discussions. Avoid long-winded questions and comments, since they can be hard to follow on a virtual platform.

Final Thoughts

As part of the new normal, virtual company events will surely stay. So if you’re going to attend one soon, try to make it as meaningful as possible, whether it’s a meeting with work colleagues or a corporate-wide conference. Everyone has had his or her share of bad video conferencing experiences. However, it is time to make the most of new virtual opportunities that come your way with the help of these insightful pointers.

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