Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking Abilities

Woman Thinking
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Critical thinking is not an inborn skill but learned over time. As the years go by, our critical thinking abilities are sharpened, helping us think rationally and make informed life decisions. Someone who has mastered this skill can solve various types of problems efficiently, identify and evaluate arguments and reflect on values and beliefs, according to an article by Philosophy HKU. If you need help with this ability, the best nootropics, like those manufactured by Onnit, can offer mental clarity, enhance self-awareness and build focus.

Onnit Alpha Brain is a popular choice of brain supplement to help process information and focus on complex tasks, say experts at With over a million bottles sold, this is one of the most popular choices for health experts too. However, the Alpha brain supplement works best when you take care of other aspects too. Take a look at the top ways to enhance your thinking power to enhance the effect of nootropics.

Include Brain Foods in Your Diet

The right amount of Omega 3 fatty acids has a positive impact on cognition and thinking abilities, due to an increase in the cerebral blood flow, according to an article published by the National Center For Biotechnology Information. Oily fish, like sardines, herring, mackerel and salmon, in particular, are packed with Omega 3 fatty acids. Berries and dark chocolate are also good for the brain, since they contain flavonoid antioxidants. These can help reduce oxidative stress and age-related cognitive decline. Adding nootropics like Alpha Brain to your diet is the easiest way to ensure that you receive all the essential nutrients.

Be Curious

A great way to improve your critical thinking abilities is to question basic assumptions. Evaluate a problem, check your basic knowledge about it and think how to overcome the issue practically. Keep in mind which factors you could be missing out on and then discover new ways to solve the issue. This will help you reach the root of any problem and solve them through a critical perspective.

Sleep Well at Night

If you find it hard to think logically, concentrate on your work or make rational decisions, it could be due to lack of sleep. To prevent slowing down of thought processes, memory impairment and difficulties in learning new things, one must consider sleeping at least 6 hours a day, according to an article on WebMD. Even the best supplements, like Onnit Nootropics, will work effectively when your brain is well-rested and healthy. Set aside enough time and set aside your smartphone to ensure undisturbed sleep.

Reverse Your Thinking Process

If you are stuck with a puzzle, try to reverse the traditional thinking method. It might not be an immediate solution to the problem, but you might find some clarity in your thoughts. You are more likely to not think about it in the same old way. This is a great trick to discover new ways to overcome a situation. For example, if X leads to Y, can Y lead to X too? Flip the set pattern to check if a practical conclusion can be drawn.

Ensure to incorporate brain supplements & improve your memory for better results. Evaluate theories, build an urge to understand and try to be aware of your mental functions. Small steps can go a long way to heighten your rational thinking abilities.

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