6 Key Elements in Google Analytics for eCommerce Sites

Analytic data can be key to understanding customers and how people use your eCommerce site. While this information is gathered for you from tools such as Google Analytics, interpreting the numbers can be confusing at times. However, it’s in your best interest to know how visitors are interacting with the online store. It can be vital when discovering problem areas. Fixing these issues has potential to increase your monthly net income.

Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is an important aspect to consider. It shows when consumers arrive onto your site and immediately leave. You want this percentage to be as low as you can make it. Everything from product descriptions to internal links can help improve this percentage and keep the potential buyer engaged.

Pages Per Session

The number of pages per session demonstrates whether visitors are exploring the site or not. The longer a potential customer remains on the site, the more likely he or she will buy something. Lower numbers could signify that the visitor isn’t properly encouraged to continue browsing. This can be fixed by showing other relevant items on the product page.

Social Acquisition

Social media can play a major role in the success of the business. Studies show that consumers are more likely to trust a company that is active on these sites. Acquisition data can also help you determine whether your social campaigns on specific sites are working or not. If you see higher numbers in one platform than another, it could mean that your social campaigns may need to be adjusted on those low-performing sites.

Mobile Overview

A responsive design means nothing if customers are getting lost on your site. The mobile overview section shows how often people visit from these devices and the average duration of the visit. A short average may mean that your site isn’t optimized enough to keep the attention of mobile customers.


The data contained within Behavior will show you the most popular pages on your site, average duration and other key factors. This information is important when determining if ad campaigns for specific products are being productive or if certain pages need to be changed. For instance, pages with high bounce rates and short time averages may need to be examined closer for content or linking. There may be something missing on those pages that can be easily added.


Benchmarking allows you to see how your site compares with others within your industry. This is based off of other websites that share the information in order to create an accurate portrayal of performance. Using a percentage, you can see what aspects of your site are more effective against various competitors. For example, you can see how your social campaigns are stacking up against others within your industry.

An eCommerce website builder with Google Analytic integration can be a powerful arrangement for creating strategies. Once you discover how people are seeing your pages, it could be as simple as changing how something is worded or moving a button to just the right place to encourage sales. Keep your thumb on the pulse of your website through analytical tools. It will contribute in everything from marketing strategies to product sales and inventory.

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