Two-time Emmy Winner Turns Natural Skincare Line into Million-Dollar Business

Michelle Stafford
Michelle Stafford

Michelle Stafford has a reputation for knowing the entertainment industry. From her days on The Young and the Restless, to her present role on General Hospital and being the beauty host on Extra, the Emmy Award-winning actress knows the ins and outs of successful, long-lasting branding and consumer engagement. Having built her empire while maintaining an understanding of her position and ability to influence, she believes the root of any success story is authenticity, and a complete focus on purpose. This purpose-based drive led Michelle, a single mother, to start her now million-dollar business, Skin Nation. Her sister’s breast cancer diagnosis prompted her awareness of the ingredients present in the majority of skincare products, and inspired her company’s goal: to offer a natural and plant-based skincare product that was affordable.

First, wonderful to hear that your sister is cancer free. Is there anything you would like to emphasize to readers to encourage preventative practices and awareness?

Well, mammograms of course. Many women are scared. Please don’t be this way. If caught early, it can be cured. If you can do a diagnostic mammogram it’s best. It is the most thorough. I can do this because my sister had breast cancer. I mean, anyone can do one, but what I mean is insurance will pay for this because cancer is in my family now. Check into this girls.

How did you come to decide on the ‘Skin Nation’ name?

My first business partner and I came up with it. We wanted it to be known as something for all women. We wanted all women to feel cared for. Some women of color were asking me “Would it be good for my skin too?” I didn’t want any color lines. Skin is skin is skin. Therefore Skin Nation sounded like it was a new movement. All women, together.

Michelle Stafford
Credit: Emma Rosenblatt (@rosenblattphoto)

Your products use only natural and plant-based ingredients. What inspired that emphasis?

It’s the best for your skin, and my sister having cancer inspired that. Many companies not only test on animals (which is unnecessary) but they are putting things like battery acid and arsenic in their skincare products, which is ridiculous. I knew I could create a clean product that also worked. I can’t imagine that poison is good for skin texture in the long run. I mean, I felt women were being lied to with slick ads and pretty pictures. I want to change a woman’s life. In the new year we will be fully preservative free and will also have ocean-friendly packaging. My goal is the have clean products the don’t harm the environment and that really make a difference for a person’s skin.

Who were the people you had in mind as a consumer base when starting out?

All women. Really, everybody. I wanted it to be affordable so all women could benefit. Our formula, honestly, is so good and cutting-edge that I could sell them for $125 per unit, but I don’t. I want to stay true to our customer.

What were your goals at the onset of the company? Where do you see it going in the next few years?

I mainly wanted to educate. Most people do not know how many chemicals are in their skincare. I wanted to give them a healthy and effective alternative. In the next few years I just want to grow as a company. You know, I’m a single mom. And I’d really love to be around for my kids. I like working from home because of this. I would like to continue to do that.

How important was branding?

I didn’t even know what that meant when I started. But I do think it’s really important. It’s an appeal factor. Yellow was an important color for me. It’s an “alive” color, and I wanted that. But really at the end of the day, the most important aspect is quality of product. That is the most important. I make the joke that women will put dog s*** on their face if it was proven to get rid of wrinkles. And I think that is true. I work very hard to put out a super badass product. Also, I’m an actress and have been in front of the camera for over 20 years. I have tried every product under the sun. I am the best guinea pig you could ask for.

Michelle Stafford
Michelle Stafford

Were there any obstacles you encountered when starting your business?

Yes! Felt like thousands.

Starting vs maintaining a business. Which in your experience provides more challenges?

Both really. There are challenges all the time. Everyday there is some issue that needs to be dealt with. A good team is key. A team that works together, has the same goal… That’s so key. I have one now. I have a great team.

Have you added employees since Skin Nation’s founding? If so, what new roles became necessary as you grew?

Yes I have! Social media is important. Marketing ninjas are important. Someone who really gets Amazon is key. Amazon is it’s own animal and truly may wipe out all other avenues of commerce in our lifetime.

How important is it for a business owner to reinvent their brand or product?

Correcting a product that is not selling is important. On The Young and the Restless, the creator Bill Bell would abort a story if people were lukewarm. He would abort right away. It’s the same with skincare. It doesn’t matter how much I love it. If people are not buying it you pay with the marketing then the price, and if people still don’t buy – abort. Get rid of it.

You have 9 products. How many different prototypes did you have?

We actually have 17 products. I didn’t really have any prototype… I just listened to women and went from there. I started doing live Facebook shows and would listen to them. What they asked for and what they wanted to fix. I still do that.

Michelle Stafford
Michelle Stafford

Conscientiously minded products don’t have a wide reputation for being as affordable as yours. How important was it to you to get them in that range?

It was very important to me. I mean I have to be very honest: so many companies are selling very low-quality product and charging women so much money! It’s not right. It was so important to make these affordable while also still staying afloat as a company. I’m lucky because General Hospital is my main gig and I love it there. I have never collected a paycheck from Skin Nation. Everything we have made has gone right back into the company to strengthen it.

What advice do you have for other single moms in their entrepreneurial endeavors?

Don’t be afraid to work your ass off. At the end of the day, the mom job is always the hardest, but the funniest!

Anything else exciting coming up for you or your company for 2019?

Yes! So many things! We are going to explode as a company. I have new partners – a very successful team of guys who have a track record of phenomenal success in business. We work together as a team beautifully. I’m really excited!

Where can people find your products, and how can people stay up to date with all of the exciting things going on with you and Skin Nation?

Always on out website: I try to make it really fun there. And of course on Amazon (

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