A Look at How a Mom to Twins Turned into a Successful Freelance Writer at Home


Elna never suspected that after having twins she would be able to stay home with them and build a home-based business.

Her story starts out as typical as everyone else’s. She graduated from a top university with a BA in Psychology and specialized in special education.

This soon led her to working in the school system as a special education teacher.

While this career choice was exciting, her twin pregnancy proved to be challenging. At 23 weeks she was put on bed rest and could no longer work or be on her feet.

Fortunately, she delivered healthy twins — a boy and girl. But after her year of maternity leave she knew she had to contribute to her family’s finances. Things were not getting easier raising twins, and they were expensive!

After trying and failing at starting a special education program for children in her community, Elna decided to find something online.

Through her research, she discovered that many stay-at-home moms were trying their hand at freelance writing.

Elna has always enjoyed writing and freelance writing seemed to be a perfect fit for this new mom of twins.

Freelance writing would allow her to stay home, have a flexible schedule and have the potential to contribute to the finances.

Soon after deciding to try freelance writing, she started a service and freelance writing advice blog as a way to attract clients.

She quickly landed small business clients, SaaS clients and big brands in various digital marketing industries. Elna provides long-form SEO driven content to these companies as this is their way to attract leads.

Elna also uses guest posting and social media marketing to network and connect with other businesses that need a freelance writer.

She considers networking with bigger and bigger companies as her biggest achievement. She is fortunate to work with influencers to develop a networking relationship for future collaborations.

Elna’s main benefit to working from home is the ability to stay home and raise her twins. Both her husband and Elna work from home and their twins know no different to this freelance lifestyle they have. They can move anywhere they want, take a road trip when they want and travel the world on a whim.

In three years time, Elna hopes to continue to connect with big brands in her industry and make a name for myself as a career advisor for those wanting to freelance write online!

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