Million Dollar Identity: Victoria Kennedy Tells All in Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Book

Victoria Kennedy

It is interesting how the big picture tends to muddle and confuse our view of humanity as a whole. On a compact scale, we feel immense bonds with the people close to us in our lives. We know what it is to connect with another person and to understand their perspective — whether we agree or disagree. We treat our personal relationships with respect and empathy.

Why, then, when we disagree with total strangers does that feeling of camaraderie fade? Even further, some of us find it difficult to feel happy for others, if we do not know them at all. Surely, there is science to back up why this phenomenon occurs. However, on a theoretical level, our brains probably could not handle caring about that many strangers.

The door to connecting with others we have never met lies in the sharing of their stories ― in books. We whisk away to a fairytale filled with castles and dragons, or we learn from our role models, dead or alive, and feel like they truly care for our betterment.

Enter “Million Dollar Identity: Experts, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs Share How to Build, Monetize, and Scale Your Market Authority, Profit, and Influence for 7+ Figure Success,” the newest Wall Street Journal Bestseller put forth by Million Dollar Story, including a chapter by Victoria Kennedy and a foreword by Ryan Stewman.

Here, Victoria Kennedy answers our burning questions about becoming a Wall Street Journal best-selling author. As a result, we get a small taste of the glory along with her!

Question (Q): How Does It Feel to Be an Author?

Victoria Kennedy (VK): “I am used to being on stage in front of an audience because of my singing career — and stay tuned for surprises in that realm. However, being an author has a whole new taste to which I am newly addicted! Victorious PR is my legacy and my life, and I can’t wait to experience more on this journey so I can write about it again.”

We love seeing the humorous side of this professional powerhouse since we know she takes her clients’ work so seriously. As ever, Kennedy remains charmingly balanced and well deserving of her new best-seller title.

Q: What Do You Want Readers to Know as They Dive into Your Chapter?

VK: “I loved being able to share my story in a much more coherent and detailed way than ever before in this book. I have spoken on the TEDx stage and shared my narrative. In addition, I’ve given plenty of quotes to journalists and editors, but nothing comes close to the expanded description I was able to expound in my chapter.”

Kennedy explained that while wanting to ensure she gave solid value to her audience in this anthology, she also wanted to paint a transparent picture of her stumbling blocks and how she overcame them.

Victoria Kennedy

“I know now that I wasn’t alone during the difficult phases in my life, but it felt like I was. I want others to know they are not alone now. You can push through and create success for yourself. I hope that readers use my story as a jumping-off point or a way to stoke the ember in their hearts that needs a bit more love. Life has its ups and downs. We must prepare for the downs during the high times.”

Kennedy’s words ring true whether the whole world is going through a pandemic or we have a personal hurdle to overcome. While we can never prepare for everything, it does help to gain inspiration from how others overcame their worst moments. This is what her story does for her readers.

Q: Is There Anything You Would Have Done Differently?

VK: “Not differently, per se, but I would love the opportunity to contribute to something like this again in a few years or so. We have so many exciting events and changes in store for Victorious PR, and we are still growing. I want to write about how my perspective changed from a budding business to an established enterprise. Our company turns two years young in May. While that is an accomplishment I am terribly proud of, I know my knowledge and experience level increase as my team and I continue our journey together.”

“Million Dollar Identity: Experts, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs Share How to Build, Monetize, and Scale Your Market Authority, Profit, and Influence for 7+ Figure Success” is for sale on Amazon and includes other industry professionals such as Dan Ashburn, Galen M. Hair, Barry Gabster, Robert Nickell, Angela Little, and Jamie Wolf. With a foreword by the excellent Ryan Stewman, Kennedy’s chapter joins many to create a treat-of-a-read.

Q: How Can Our Readers Become Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Authors Too?

VK: “Victorious PR actually offers this service, in conjunction with its PR packages, wherein clients can contribute their very own chapter to an anthology. Combined with marketing partnerships through Million Dollar Story, Victorious PR puts you on the top of the charts in places like Wall Street and Amazon. The best part? Its internal team of talented writers do all the work for you. You just have to give the team your story. They craft something wonderful that showcases your unique story and value to your target audience.”

Final Comments Regarding Victoria Kennedy

So, whether you are interested in Victoria Kennedy’s story, want to read about building your own success as a topic of general interest, are curious to learn more about these niche leaders, or want to see your name on a cover just like them, this anthology is sure to perform.

About Victoria Kennedy

Victoria Kennedy is a Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author, TEDx speaker, and well-respected authority in public relations. She is the CEO of Victorious PR, an award-winning, multi-million dollar PR agency. Victorious PR has helped dozens of entrepreneurs become the #1 Authority in their niche by getting them featured in top podcasts and press. To gain more credibility and authority in your market, visit

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