Kevin Ocasio: Entrepreneur Who Runs Multiple Businesses from Home

Most successful business owners start off on a totally different path, only to discover their true passion one day through a life-changing circumstance. Take it from Kevin Ocasio, a proud husband and father of four who runs several digital businesses from the comfort of his home.

His business projects include eCommerce and marketing and design services. Kevin also runs his own digital marketing blog, The top of his blog’s page shouts, “You and I Succeeding Together.” Kevin means this wholeheartedly.

He caters to people wanting to start a blog and online business, those who already have an online business, but are stuck, the more experienced home business owners, as well as local businesses all over the world.

With the help of his team, he markets his businesses using SEO, Facebook Ads, email marketing and Instagram. He’s also looking to advertise and invest in more advanced marketing strategies.

How Kevin Started Out

Running a home-based business wasn’t what Kevin had in mind. In fact, he used to be in the United States Marine Corps for about two years and was discharged honorably due to health reasons. After that, Kevin had two jobs. Both jobs didn’t last more than three months.

One might ask, how did Kevin find his way to digital marketing?

He taught himself HTML and began designing websites which he sold on eBay. Though he admits that those sites were “ugly,” they were bringing in thousands of dollars for him. That instantly got him hooked to making money online.

His Lessons and Realizations in Business

Below are the lessons and realizations Kevin learned in his entrepreneurial journey:

  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Relying on a single source of income can break your business. That is why Kevin likes to involve himself in as many different types of businesses as possible. Diversification helps you become richer and prevents catastrophic failures.
  • Working from home allows you to see your loved ones as much as you like. Because of his digital businesses, Kevin is able to spend time with his kids and have lunches and coffee breaks with the love of his life.
  • Help as many people as you can. Kevin’s biggest achievement is that he’s able to put people in a better financial situation. He believes that everybody deserves to be financially independent while having more time with the special people in their lives.

Where Kevin Sees Himself in the Future

Within three years, Kevin sees himself running a team of at least 100 people and managing more thriving online and offline business. He believes that people can always grow and improve and that’s what he and his team try to do on a daily basis.

And while money isn’t everything, it makes it possible to do so many great things such as helping others in need.

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