Conquering Your Inner “Mean Girl” with Wellness Expert Melissa Ambrosini

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Officially a bestseller in Australia, the straight-talking wellness and entrepreneurial phenomenon of Melissa Ambrosini released her no-nonsense MASTERING YOUR MEAN GIRL (Tarcher Perigee/ Penguin Random House) in the States on March 22. After suffering through eating disorders, a “glamorous” acting career that made her miserable, addiction, and relationships she thought she couldn’t ever leave, Melissa came out the other side – and with a mission to show other women how to conquer that inner mean girl – and now she owns her own business doing just that, is a bestselling author, and lauded as a “self-help guru” be Elle magazine. Home Business Magazine spoke with the magnetic mentor and self-starting entrepreneur about her escape from the clutches of insecurity and transformation into the self-loving, passionate businesswoman she always strived to be.

HBM: What is your story of conquering an eating disorder, addiction, and your own “Mean Girl”?

Melissa: “In a nutshell, back in 2010, I had a disastrous relationship with myself. I left acting because it no longer was lighting me up like it used to. I hated myself and my body, which led to disordered eating habits and me being very unhappy and unwell. It wasn’t until everything spiralled out of control and I ended up in hospital that things started to change. I realised that I needed to master my inner Mean Girl and to cultivate some serious self-love — even though I literally had no idea what self-love was. From there, I became obsessed with self development, and read every book I could get my hands on. All the wisdom I was immersing myself in sparked a shift inside me, and I started to feel better and happier from deep within (something I have never experienced before). It was at that point that I started a blog to share my insights. I also started coaching women one on one, creating products to serve my tribe (like ebooks, online course, and guided meditations) and speaking around the world… And basically, everything snowballed from there. Now I am a published bestselling author, speaker, self-love teacher and entrepreneur who masters her Mean Girl every single day.”

HBM: How did your experiences lead you to becoming one of the most successful self-starting wellness specialists in Australia country?

Melissa: “I guess because I have shared very openly and honestly about my struggles, and that has made it easy for people to relate to my journey.”

HBM: What are strategies to change your mindset to finally start achieving your goals?

Melissa: “To achieve your goals, you must first master your Mean Girl with my 3-step Mastering your Mean Girl process, which goes like this…

1. Practice awareness. Become aware of when your Mean Girl pops up and tells you that you’re not good enough, thin enough, smart enough,whatever enough. For most people, these sorts of fear-based beliefs pop up the nanosecond they decide to chase after an important goal. Yet we’re usually so unconscious and not present that we aren’t even aware of this internal dialogue, so we can’t do anything about it. That’s why bringing your awareness to her words is the first step.

2. Gently close the door on her. Once you are aware that she has popped up, you can now choose to gently close the door on her. It’s not about fighting her, or waging an inner battle — that’ll just cause more pain and suffering. Instead, it’s a gentle, grateful act that comes from a place of peace.

3. Choose love instead. Once you have gently closed the door on her, choose to come back to your heart and choose love instead of fear. It’s so much more fulfilling when you do.

From there, it’s about getting crystal clear on your goals. I’m a big fan of writing them down, then reading them every single morning. And, of course, you’ve got to follow that up by taking inspired action daily to make them happen.”

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HBM: What are the steps to celebrating your uniqueness and using this transition to become the person you know you could become, rather than stifling it?

Melissa: “I think remembering that no one does you better than you is key. I believe we came here to be the most unique version of ourselves and to share that with the world. Reminding yourself of that truth is imperative.”

HBM: Why are many entrepreneurs scared of aiming high in choosing a heart-centered career?

Melissa: “Because their Mean Girl is too loud telling them things like ‘they aren’t smart enough’, ‘they don’t have the resources’, ‘they will fail’, etc. We all have career desires, but we must master our Mean Girl in order to manifest them. You can’t just expect your dream career to land in your lap; you must take inspired action by mastering your inner Mean Girl to call it forth.”

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HBM: What is the mindset stopping most women from achieving their dreams, business and otherwise?

Melissa: “Like I mentioned above, it’s all the limiting fear-based Mean Girl beliefs that are stopping women from achieving the health, wealth and love that they dream of. Once you master your inner Mean Girl, life begins to rock and flow a whole lot more effortlessly.”

HBM: How can an entrepreneur’s beliefs about self-worth affect your income and actually limit what you make?

Melissa: “In my book Mastering Your Mean Girl, I talk about the ‘worthy-o-meter’, which is a scale on which you can rank your self-worth from 0 to 10. Back in 2010, I would have been a big ol’ zero on the worthy-o-meter, but now I sit at a 10. The reason why this is so important is because if you are a 3 on the worthy-o-meter, you are going to manifest 3 experiences into your life. Whereas if you are a 10, you’ll draw in top-notch 10 experiences to match, and your life will look very, very different. If you suspect your self-worth might need some TLC, I share loads of strategies in the book on how to ramp it up, and how it’s totally possible to rocket yourself from a low score to a high one in a short period of time. I encourage you to check it out.”

9780399176715 MasteringMelissa Ambrosini is the best selling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl, an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and self­love teacher. In her signature straight-talking style, Melissa teaches women how to master their inner Mean Girl, smash through limiting beliefs, and ditch the self­doubt so that they can start truly living the life of their dreams.

Named a ‘self­help guru’ by Elle Magazine, she is known for her inspirational live events, books, booming online community, her empowering Goddess Groups, game­changing online programs and her soulful guided meditations.

Her mission is to inspire women across the globe to create a heart­centred life one that’s wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love.

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