How Brian Ripka RIPPED His Way Through the Fitness Realm

A born leader, an innate teacher, and all around good guy, Brian Ripka wears many hats. Most days you can catch him suited up in RIPPED gear and a baseball hat headed into The War Room to motivate a class of “RIPPERS” who show up in droves for what he’s giving out: an intensely-motivational, high-energy, heart-pumping workout for both the mind and body. But you can also find him suited up (well, not in an actual suit!) for his other role as the CEO & Founder of RIPPED Fitness, his phenomenally successful fitness boutique currently with two locations, and more on the way.

As the former CEO of Judith Ripka Jewelry, the eponymous multi-million-dollar luxury jewelry company, it’s evident that Brian knows exactly how to build a luxury brand. But his true passion had always been health & fitness, which is exactly why his next career move came to him during one of his daily runs through the streets of Manhattan.

“I’m an avid runner. Always have been. I run daily—not just for my body, but also for my soul. Every morning I would dodge buses in New York City running up and down Madison Avenue,” explains Brian. “One day, I ran by a cycling studio and wondered why there wasn’t one for runners. It’s a fact that running is the most efficient exercise but I also know it’s not just about fat loss from running; it’s about the importance of incorporating muscle toning for total body fitness. So I created a proprietary, dynamic program that combines alternating high intensity interval training of equal parts treadmill & strength training in an incredibly luxurious environment. I added in world-class instructors and great music and RIPPED Fitness was born. For me, it’s about looking your best, but more importantly, about feeling your best.”

Health & fitness is a booming business, but Brian is in it for the long term. He doesn’t believe in accelerated short-term plans for weight loss or for achieving fitness goals. In fact, he believes promises of “get fit fast” are the number one reason why people fail to reach their fitness goals. A “go-hard” mentality is unsustainable and can lead to burn out, severe exhaustion, anxiety and even mild depression. Instead, Brian’s classes combine hard work with mind/body positivity, often citing real life family stories, anecdotal inspirations, quotes from famous historians and world leaders, and most recently a phenomenal story about what prompted him to declare his goal 17 years ago for running the NYC Marathon during a marathon party he was hosting in his then Upper East Side apartment. The story is one for the books but you’ll have to take his class to hear it in Brian’s words!

As a husband, a father, a brother, a son, a friend, a business owner, an avid runner, and someone who prides himself on showing up every day in every way, Brian works hard to stay inspired, committed and engaged. “You have to— otherwise, you just exist. And for me, that’s simply not enough,” states Brian.

Some of Brian’s Inspirational Words of Wisdom from The War Room at Ripped:

“You have to empower yourself mentally to bring out the best in yourself physically. You literally have to psyche yourself up every day. You have to tell yourself that you are a deserving and capable person with the right to a good life, to look your best, to feel your best, and to be happy.”

“Life is not always easy. There are so many twists and turns, ups and downs, so much ebb and flow. But tough times don’t last, tough people do!” 

“If you want to be great, you have to surround yourself with people that pursue greatness, that strive for excellence, every day in every way. I call it situational circumstances: Place yourself in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. Place yourself among people who inspire you, people who push you, people who challenge you—and who you do the same for.”

“Don’t ever give up. It’s the easiest thing in the world to do! But to not give up, especially when everyone around you, would understand if you did. That’s what true strength is all about.”

For Brian and the rest of the RIPPED Instructors, fitness is about a lifestyle and for it to be a lifestyle it needs to be sustainable. They advocate Proper Training = Work + Rest. Consistent workouts that combine strength training, cardio, high intensity interval training, core work, stretching, and rest days should be your foundation. “I’m all for raising the bar, setting a new standard for yourself and hard work. That’s what it takes to get the job done. Over reaching is good. Over training is dangerous, states Brian. “Understanding the difference between the two is critical.”

With two studio locations (Rye Brook and New York City), Brian spends his time finding the delicate balance between his role as rock star fitness instructor—complete with a highly coveted lululemon brand ambassadorship—and building the RIPPED Fitness brand.

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