With more than three decades of experience designing projects as a practicing architect, Arthur Lasky launched HearthCabinet TM Ventless Fireplaces in 2005 as a solution to a common problem. Homeowners and building residents who want fireplaces are often unable to install them due to building codes and inconvenient construction. Lasky often found himself in this dilemma, as he worked with clients in urban areas. With the help of inventor and attorney Michael Weinberger, Lasky introduced HearthCabinet Ventless Fireplaces, delivering beautiful units with real flames that are environmentally friendly and do not require a flue, chimney, gas line or electricity.
Some years ago, Lasky lost his job. He and his wife had just had their first child, and his wife had stopped teaching to focus on painting. Lasky needed a job, and he needed one fast. He called colleagues from architecture school to see who was hiring, but the economy was in a slump — nobody was. So he set up his drawing board in the kitchen and started calling friends and family to see if anyone needed any work done.
Weeks later, he got his first nibble: Family friends needed to create separate bedrooms for their kids. The design he sketched for them worked, and it also inspired him to build his first home office out of half of his daughter’s bedroom. He continued making calls, which was difficult because it felt like begging. But one day it dawned on him that it wasn’t begging at all — it was marketing! That revelation made it easier to make the next call. He got more nibbles, and soon he was off the unemployment rolls.
Lasky also realized that he preferred controlling his own future to relying on a company. So he took a risk and leased a tiny studio apartment as an office. It was dirt cheap — all he could afford — and a short walk from his family’s apartment. But as more work came in, he realized the space was too small. So he took a greater risk on a bigger lease in the historic Flatiron building — his first real office.
His current offices in Chelsea keep some of that working-from-home feeling: People bring their children and dogs to work, ties are seldom seen, and there is art and personal memorabilia on the walls. Lasky believes that maintaining that unique atmosphere was essential for him to build a successful business from home. You may start your business due to a crisis, but he holds that you must bring your heart to the project, because building a business is ultimately about shaping how you want to live your life. Lasky advises that you ask yourself the big questions and answer honestly before starting a business. “And don’t just default to what you’re good at — if you’re good at something but don’t enjoy it, you’ll be miserable,” he says. “You can’t do what you won’t do.”
Lasky advises entrepreneurs to dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to whichever business they decide on. “Building a business from home is difficult. It requires that you set time limits and goals, which takes a lot of discipline,” he says. “It means treating yourself well, but not indulgently. It also means wearing a lot of hats.” Lasky took the atmosphere that worked for him and translated it into something that works for other people. “When building your team, remember that it’s important to find people with the right chemistry and the right skills,” he says. “And let yourself evolve.” Lasky grew to love architecture even more over time, but he also developed an interest in product design. Once his product was on the market, he was delighted by the positive, happy responses.
Lasky and Weinberger spent two years developing the product before HearthCabinet was up and running. While securing the patents needed for fireplaces’ inner workings, Lasky was dedicated to creating the highest quality of design that he was accustomed to. The architect turned maker and manufacturer envisioned his product in luxury residential and commercial spaces. Thus, the brand offers true customization dependent on style, space and budget.
Today, HearthCabinetTM is the leading name in custom, luxury ventless fireplaces. Distinguished by their unerringly high quality and unique, patented safety system, HearthCabinetTM Ventless Fireplaces have been chosen to complete the designs of residences, high-end commercial projects, and boutique hospitality venues nationwide.
Clearly, success can start at home. Though Lasky began his business due to a dire need, he grew it from his passion. By maintaining dedication to his goals and a unique workplace atmosphere, he built two successful, rewarding businesses. Lasky’s final word of advice? “Don’t ignore the personal side of your business — if your life partner or family isn’t on board, it won’t work.” Visit www.hearthcabinet.com.