Podcast – Tom Stanfill – Be Un-Receptive – a Better Way Sell

Interview with Author and Sales Training Guru Tom Stanfill


The number of customers who would rather talk to a bot or do a Google search than talk to a seller has more than doubled in the past three years. That explains why – even with all the advances in sales enablement tools – the number of sellers “hitting their quotas” continues to decline. Traditional approaches to selling are backfiring on the growing population of “unreceptive” deciion makers.unReceptive: A Better Way to Sell, Lead & Influence

Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Tom Stanfill, who has a surprisingly simple solution: Shift the focus from crafting the perfect message to creating receptivity. Tom Stanfill is CEO of ASLAN Training and author of unReceptive: A Better Way to Sell, Lead & Influence (UnreceptiveBook.com). He’s shifting the entire art of selling to lasting relationships; that could help set you up for long-term sales success.

Subjects discussed in podcast include:

  • What made Tom Stanhill want to tackle writing his book unReceptive: A Better Way to Sell, Lead & Influence
  • The approach to “unreceptive” selling starts with addressing selling barriers
  • Motivating the customer to take action, in what may often be a virtual sales connection
  • “Servant Selling” – What are ways to serve the customer for better long-term results?
  • Converting the unreceptive requires you to “validate the view” of your customer
  • Post-Sale: How do you keep selling barriers from creeping back in with a client?
  • Maintaining long-term leadership and influence with your client through the selling process

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Interview Guests:

Tom Stanfill, CEO of ASLAN Training, and author of unReceptive: A Better Way to Sell, Lead & Influence













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